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Q: What do you call someone who thinks the world revolves around them?
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What is exactly the definition of a diva?

someone that thinks the world revolves around them and expects things to just come to them.

What is the definition of egotastic?

Egotastic seems to be a slang form of egotistical, which means someone thinks the world revolves around them.

What is the word for a person who thinks the world revolves around them?

egotistic ego-centric

What is egocentric attitude?

Egocentric means self-centered and describes someone who thinks only about himself or who thinks the world revolves around him. (adjective)An example of someone who would be described as egocentric is a selfish person who plans his dinner party menu around his favorites, not taking into consideration the needs of his guests.

What to do if your boyfriend thinks of only himself?

dump him, he is not worth it if he thinks that the whole world revolves around him. If he can not start thinking of others. it may be time to find a better boyfriend

Does the world move around the sun or is it the opposite?

The Earth revolves around the Sun.

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Does the world revolve around yoga?

No the world does not revolve around yoga and it should not revolve around yoga. That is nonsense the world revolves around money and market.

How did the Heliocentric Theory impact the world?

The Geocentric Theory is about how everything revolves and the Earth and the Heliocentric Theory is how everthing revolves around the Sun.

Copernicus impact upon the world?

he discovered that the earth revolves around the sun.

Who said that the Earth revolves around the sun?

Aryabhata was Indian (Hindu) born in 476 A.D. and was actually the first person in the world to say that the earth is not flat and it revolves around the sun. Although they said someone else said that later. Aryabhata never got the credit he deserves...... :(so sad :(

How many Inuit's are there around the world?

Around 60000