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You call it an OBSERVATION.

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Q: What do you call something that is noticed in a science experiment?
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Yes, I suppose you could call that a science experiment.

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What do you call something you experiment on?

Control and Experiment group is what you would normally have in an experiment

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A science experiment. There is no such thing as a mouse/guinea pig. =]

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Science fiction.

Can a homosexual change?

If they are confused they might call there self something then experiment and realize they aren't that. However if they know they are, don't push it. They probably are.

What is a good name for a science fair project about plants?

i would call it something like plants galore!

What do you call a factor that confuses the result of an experiment?

If there is a factor that confuses the result of an experiment, I would call that a design flaw in the experiment. It might also be an uncontrolled variable.

What do you call people that only believe in science?

Becouse science gives more proof about where we truly came from, unlike "God". There has to be something that created us & everything in the Universe & beyond, so I have my trust in Science.

What do scientists call an extra test?

they call it investigation/experiment.

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What do you call the results of an experiment?

Observations and measurements made during an experiment are called the data.