

What do you call the Space between two Nerves?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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A synapse.

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Q: What do you call the Space between two Nerves?
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The synapse is the name of the space between two nerves.

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The space is called a vally-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Actually it depends on what you mean by "between" . the actually space that lies between two mountain tops is called a saddle. Thinking of a valley as the intersection where the two sides of two mountains merge is a bit of stretch but could be true. In that case, the valley originates at the saddle which often forms a valley on opposite sides.

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No, the word 'between' is a preposition and an adverb.The preposition 'between' relates a noun or pronoun to another word in a sentence.Example: I can make the call between classes.The adverb 'between' is used with no noun or pronoun following indicating a space space in position or time.Example: There are two large trees with a driveway in between.

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No Man's Land is the name of the space between the two sides front lines.

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The two types of peripheral nerves are somatic and autonomic nerves.

What is the name of the space between the two sides' front lines?

No Man's Land is the name of the space between the two sides front lines.