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Abnormal curvature of the cornea can cause several conditions. When the curvature is excessively steep, it can lead to conditions such as keratoconus or pellucid marginal degeneration as a couple of examples. These conditions can lead to high degrees of nearsightedness, or myopia. In addition, when parts of the cornea are steeper than others in certain meridians, this can lead to astigmatism.

With astigmatism, the cornea is not perfectly round like a Basketball but is curved more like an oval or football-shape. When light reaches the retina, it will not focus on one point but on multiple leading to blurred vision.

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Q: What do you call the condition when abnormal curvature of the cornea may produce?
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The condition in which some portions of an image are in focus on the retina and other portions are blurred is called?

That is usually caused by irregular curvature of the cornea and referred to as astigmatism. It is a very common eye condition and can be corrected with lenses or surgery.

Does astigmatism result from unequal curvatures of the cornea or lens?

Yes, astigmatism is blurred vision caused by unequal curvature of the cornea or lens.

What is keratocornus?

Keratoconus is a condition in which the cornea of the eyeball becomes conical in shape. The shape of the cornea is spherical. The change in shape may be congenital (by birth) or acquired (developed later). The main reason for this condition is the progressive thinning of the cornea. The curvature of the cornea has an important role in refraction. This curvature focuses the light rays on the retina. Thereby eyes maintain a normal ability to see. Any defect in the shape will create visual problems. We cannot correct such problems with glass or even by contact lenses. Ayurvedic treatments activate the glands to ensure normal secretion for moistening the visual organ. It undergoes a thorough rejuvenation and is made healthy so that the natural mechanism of tear secretion is restored. The lifestyle and profession also have an important role in the development of this condition. It takes between 12 to 14 days to complete a full authentic course of treatment.

What is the medical term meaning abnormal accumulation of fluid in the ureter?

Corneal edema is abnormal accumulation of fluid in the cornea.

How do you interprete a keratometry reading?

A keratometry reading measures the curvature of the cornea. It provides information about the cornea's shape and can be used to calculate the power of prescription lenses needed for conditions like astigmatism or to evaluate suitability for contact lenses or refractive surgery. A higher reading indicates a steeper cornea, while a lower reading indicates a flatter cornea.

Can a child have an astigmatism and be near sighted?

Yes; astigmatism is a condition caused by an irregularity in the shape of either the cornea or lens and tends to cause blurriness. Myopia (nearsightedness) is caused by an elongated eye or a cornea with a sharper than average curvature, and allows things that are near to be seen clearly while things at a distance are blurry and unclear. Astigmatism can occur with hyperopia(farsightedness) as well, or it can occur by itself.