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or you may be thinking of your foot arch

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Q: What do you call the curved part under your foot?
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Curved part of the foot?


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The curved part of a saddle is called the "seat."

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The foot is the whole thing where you wear your shoe/sandal. On the under side of the foot, the sole is the front part near the toes and the heel is back part of the foot similar to where we say heel for high heels

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What part of foot do the metatarsals make?

Metatarsals make up the arches of the foot..... some people call this their instep. The arches of the foot are the longitudinal and the transverse.

What is the definition of an arc in math?

A part of a curved line. Often part of the circumference of a circle, but not necessarily. An arc can refer to other curved line segments.

What two joints create inversion and eversion?

Eversion is when the foot is curved away from the other foot and is controlled by peroneus longus and peroneus brevis. Inversion is when the foot curves the opposite way, towards the other foot, and is controlled by tibialis anterior and tibialis posterior. The subtalar joint or talocalcaneal joint is the joint that is responsible for creating inversion and eversion in the foot. This joint plays no part in the flexing of the foot though.