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Q: What do you call the fee charged for borrowing money?
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What is a fee charged for using money is called?


Will callers be charged to call me on a talk UK plan?

The amount a person is charged to call YOU - is completely irrelevant to YOUR call plan. They will be charged whatever fee THEIR network sets.

Which term is defined as a fee charged for the use of money?


What is upgrade fee?

An upgrade fee is an amount of money that you are charged in order to increase the performance or value of something.

What do you call loaning money for a fee?


What is a fee you are charged when you write a check and do not have enough money in your account to cover it?

You may be charged one of two fees: - An insufficient funds (NSF) fee, if you do not have overdraft protection - An overdraft protection (ODP) fee, if you have overdraft protection and money is transferred from your overdraft account to cover the check

What do you call money paid to others for their services?


What term is defined as fee charged for the use of money?

It is interest payable, usually on agreed terms.

What was a fee charged to cross a feudal lord's territory?

a toll-- bridges were very expensive back then, they needed money to pay for them, so they charged to cross them.

Where can we get a copy of a cancelled money order?

You will find a number to call on the money order receipt that you kept to call and get a copy of a cancelled money order. There is usually a fee of $10 to get it.

What is an NSF fee?

A fee charged for insufficient funds in an account.

Where does bail out money come from?

Bail money can come from the the private funds of the individual who is charged, or his family. Also, there are businesses called "Bail Bondsmen" who will, for a fee, loan bail money to the defendant. Their business is to make a return on this investment by charging a fee or interest on the bail amount that is put at risk. (i.e.- for putting up a bail of $1,000. they may charge a $100. fee) If the defendant "skips" and fails to appear in court, the bail bondsman is then out the entire $1,100. Sometimes they can have large amounts of money at risk and this does not make bail bondsmen happy. They will sometimes hire people to locate and return the missing defendant so that they can recovere their money.