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Q: What do you call the green stuff that grows on your clothes especially if its kept in a damp area?
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What microbe grows in your house?

Mold, mildew, green fuzzy stuff that mom doesn't like.

What is green oily stuff coming out of faucets?

We have stuff like that, but we don't actually know for sure what it is... I think it's like a moss which grows in pipes and waterholes.

Why does stuff go mouldy?

Things, especially food, mold because they have expired or because they were left out when they were supposed to be refrigerated or frozen.

What is the other word for green stuff that grow on clothes called in a damp place it's not fungus?


Your big toe is swollen and leaking lite green stuff after I pulled a hang nail. What can I do for it?

pour hydrogen peroxide on it daily, it will eat away the green stuff and dried blood if you have any. Your toe will probably stay infected until the nail grows enough, then it will just stop leaking the stuff.

What grows on the surface of the Rocky Mountains?

stuff and things like stuff. LOL

Do fish poo out green stuff?

Yes they do when you feed them fish they poo out fish. If you feed them green stuff they poo out green stuff

Why do most older siblings give their stuff to their younger siblings?

The common name for stuff passed down to younger siblings is: "hand-me-downs." As children are growing fast, clothes especially, soon become too small.

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What does plant cell have?

lots of stuff, but remember this especially, it has a cell wall; which animal cells do not, and chloroplast, which makes the plant green, also which animal cells do not have.

What cell does plants have?

lots of stuff, but remember this especially, it has a cell wall; which animal cells do not, and chloroplast, which makes the plant green, also which animal cells do not have.

Why is Carson City a major city?

that where the darn stuff grows