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Q: What do you call the thick bands that pull on bones as a muscle contracts?
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Tough outer covering of a bone?

Striatrd are the muscles are attached to bones by tendons. Tendons are thick bands that pull on the bone as the muscle contracts and these muscles are voluntary.

What muscle shapes the muscle?

thick and thin bands (lines) of filaments.

What shape is the cardiac muscle?

thick and thin bands (lines) of filaments.

What is thick bands of connective tissue called?

Thick bands of tissue attached to muscle are called tendons.

How are proteins organized in sarcomere?

Thick and thin filaments that slide past each other when a muscle contracts.

How does a muscle contact according to the sliding-filament model of muscle contraction?

When skeletal (or cardiac) muscle contracts, the thin and thick filaments in each sarcomereslide along each other without their shortening, thickening, or folding.

What is the name of the structure that holds to different bones together.?

Ligaments hold your bones together. Ligaments are thick fibrous bands of connective tissue that will hold bones, cartilage or other structures together.

Which of the following become connected by myosin cross-bridges during muscle contraction A) thin filaments and thick filaments B) thin filaments and t-tubules C) thick filaments and titin filame?

Interactions between actin and myosin filaments of the sarcomere are responsible for muscle contractions. The I bands contain only thin (actin) filaments, whereas the A bands contain thick (myosin) filaments.

How does a muscle contract according to the sliding-filament model of muscles contraction?

When skeletal (or cardiac) muscle contracts, the thin and thick filaments in each sarcomereslide along each other without their shortening, thickening, or folding.

How are muscles connected to bone?

Muscles are connected to bones by thick tissue called tendons. Tendons are a flexible but inelastic cord that connects muscle and bone.

The end of the muscle that moves when a muscle contracts?

Histological PerspectiveBoth ends of the muscle are pulled together. This is because each muscle fiber is divided into contractile units called sarcomeres. Each sarcomere is composed of layers of thin and thick filaments, Actin and Myosinrespectively. The thick filaments, myosin, are located in the center of the sarcomere, a region called the A-Band. On either side of each A-Band, is a region called the I-Band. The I-Band is primarily composed of the thin filaments (Actin), although the thin filaments do overlap with the thick filaments within a sub region of the A-band called the zone of overlap.As the muscle contracts the thick filaments pull the thin filaments together on either side, resulting in the apparent contraction of the muscle on both sides.Gross Anatomical Perspective.However, because a muscle is anchored at the origin of the stationary bone while its other end attaches at the insertion of the articulating bone and the net force of the contracting muscle pulls the insertion of the muscle to its origin.It follows that: The correct answer is toward the origin.

Why do you think the muscle of the heart is so thick of a sheep?

The muscle of a sheep's heart is thick for the same reason our heart muscle is thick. It is thick as it has to pump blood around the body, and so it is under a lot of pressure.