

What do you do answer a question wrong on WikiAnswers?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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You can contact the category supervisor and inform him/her of the wrong answer. They would be able to remove the answer.

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Q: What do you do answer a question wrong on WikiAnswers?
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Is dating on WikiAnswers wrong?

Yes, dating on WikiAnswers is wrong. WikiAnswers is not an online chatting or dating service, and should not be used as such. WikiAnswers is a question and answer site, and should only be used as that and not a dating service.

Do you know that these coin answers are wrong?

If you find a wrong answer on WikiAnswers, you are welcome to correct it. That is the way WikiAnswers works, anyone can answer a question, and anyone can change what another has answered.

Does WikiAnswers give the wrong answers?

if the person answering the question has the wrong answer. For example, i am just a normal person answering a question. It could be wrong though i only answer what i know.

Is WikiAnswers wrong?

A good percentage of the time, yes. It depends on who is answering your question, or how well the question is asked.

What do you do when WikiAnswers is wrong?

If you know for a fact that an answer to a question is wrong, then you may remove it by clicking 'improve' towards the top right of the answer, and removing the answer you know is wrong.

What if WikiAnswers' answers are wrong?

If you know an answer is wrong then correct it, that is how WikiAnswers works.

Why does wikianswers always give us wrong answers?

Sometimes,people answer questions wrong,but if you see a question,and you don't know it,then don't answer it,because you will get it wrong,and you teach people the wrong answer.

Why would one be unable to find the WikiAnswers question they just submitted?

Most likely you are looking in the wrong Topic (or the question was placed in the wrong Topic). There are over 1,000 topics and sub-topics on WikiAnswers. Try searching for your question using a few of its keywords. A search form is on the right side of this page.

Why do some people on wikianswers give the wrong answer to a serious question when the wrong answer have no connection to the question?

Oftentimes, I can only guess that its because wikianswers is not being moderated enough, and it is too easy for someone to register and give answers. Poorly worded / ungrammatical questions, such as this one, are also a factor.

How easy is it to give wrong answers on WikiAnswers?

It is extremely easy to give the wrong answer on WikiAnswers. However, it is just as easy to give an accurate one. Since anyone in the world, registered or not, can answer a question, it is pretty easy to give an inaccurate answer.

How do you post your question on WikiAnswers when it is telling you that the spelling is wrong but actually its correct?

You can ignore the spelling suggestions and submit the question anyway. Wikianswers can get confused when the question contains proper nouns, Minecraft is often 'corrected' to 'mine craft' for example, but you can ignore the suggested correction and submit it anyway.

What happens if an answer on WikiAnswers is wrong?

WikiAnswers can be wrong because anyone can type an answer. Hopefully, soon somebody will come along and correct the answer.