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If Bowser does get stung, remove the stinger with tweezers, make a paste of baking soda, and apply it to the sting. Ice packs can also relieve swelling, and calamine lotion relieves itching. If the sting causes widespread swelling, call your veterinarian or emergency clinic.

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14y ago

mustard. family remidy,,,but works very well for me, i swell very bad.

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Q: How should a yellow jacket sting on a dog's paw be treated?
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Does yellow jacket sting cause a fever?

In most cases they will not, but you never know. If it gets too high you should see a doctor and mention the yellow jacket sting.

Can a yellow jacket queen sting?

A yellow jacket is a variety of wasp, and yes, the queen can sting.

Can a yellow jacket sting twice?

It is very possible for a yellow jacket to sting a person twice. The stinger does not get stuck in it's victim like a bee's.

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Is mud dauber venom the same as a wasp?

I have been stung by a mud dauber and a yellow jacket. The mud dauber sting is more like a needle prick than a sting. The yellow jacket sting hurt a lot worse... I would think, based on my own reaction, that the venom is different.

What is a guinea wasp?

Guinea wasps have a very painful sting. It is a type of paper wasp. It is yellow and black and often mistaken for a yellow jacket.

Can yellow jackets sting after they are dead?

yes if you touch the stinger and the yellow jacket hasn't stung anyone else becasue once they sting someone or something their stinger wont grow back

Yellow jacket sting is it an acid of alkali?

Neither. With a pH of 6.8 to 6.9 it is very nearly neutral.

Do yellow jackets only sting in August?

They will sting at any time of year, if they feel threatened. However, they are generally more active in the summer, so you are more likely to run into a yellow jacket around August.

Wondering if a yellow jacket sting leads to a bacterial infection which requires medical attention. I have a very itchy bulls eye around two yellow jacket sting sites on my knee.Antibiotics needed?

They don't. But the bulls eye is from a deer tick, and that means you have lyme disease! Seek medical attention immediately!

Can a yellow jacket transfer rattlesnake venom?

No, wasps cannot transfer snake venom in their sting.

Do yellow jacket's stingers fall off when they sting?

no, so they can sting multiple times, bees die after stinging but the stinger left behind continues to pup in venom, you need to remove the stinger.