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Q: What do you do if someone found out that you cut your self and you told them you will stop but you don't want to?
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you say that your always there for them. they need to know that someone, anyone is there. they feel alone, and misunderstood. you do NOT yell at them, or tell them to "just stop". that will only put more pressure on them. dont say that your mad at them, that will get them upset. coming from a self harmer, i know what they want. oh yeah and DO NOT call them "emo". "emo" is not cutting, its just a style. the key to talking to them is, just dont make them feel bad and make sure that they know that your there for them.

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Tell them to stop calling you. If they continue, be sure to report them to the attorney general's office in your state. Continuing to call you after you requested a stop is considered harassment, AND YOU DONT HAVE TO TAKE IT! :)

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You can't 'motivate' someone to stop self harming. It's not that simple. he needs a professional. e.g child mental health professional.

Is it normal for someone to not want to stop self harming?

Yes it is. Im not sure why but many people become addicted to self harm as if it were a drug or alchohal.