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Q: What do you do if you suspect that the fetus has been exposed to meconium?
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Find a poison control number in your phone book, or call an emergency room, or your physician's office immediately. follow their instructions.

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The fetus is not in the bowel, so, no. If the fetus has been borne, then still, no.

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Find a poison control number in your phone book, or call an emergency room, or your physician's office immediately. follow their instructions.


InformationMeconium is a thick, sticky, greenish-black substance. It is the medical term for the newborn infant's first stools. Meconium is made of amniotic fluid, mucus, lanugo (the fine hair that covers the baby's body), bile, and cells that have been shed from the skin and the intestinal tract. Infant stools typically change from meconium to seedy/mustardy yellow/green stools in 4 - 5 days.During pregnancy, the baby floats in the amniotic fluid that fills the mother's uterus. This fluid protects the baby while he or she grows and develops. The baby swallows the amniotic fluid, which contains all the other constituents mentioned above. All of the contents other than the amniotic fluid itself are filtered out and remain behind in the intestine while the amniotic fluid is absorbed and re-released into the uterine space when the fetus urinates. This cycle maintains the amniotic fluid in a clear, healthy state during the nine months of pregnancy. This process of recycling the amniotic fluid occurs about every 3 hours.In some cases, the baby passes stools (meconium) while still inside the uterus, and it is possible for the baby to breathe the meconium into the lungs. For more information on this condition, see meconium aspiration.

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How are viruses affected by the Rh negative blood?

We don’t yet know the answer to this question. We do know that an rh neg female who has been exposed to rh positive blood through a birth or miscarriage will form antibodies against rh positive blood and on becoming pregnant again with an rh positive fetus will have antibodies that will attack the fetus which may cause numerous problems.

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The mother is exposed to fetal blood during childbirth or abortion. The Rh+ proteins on the surface of fetal erythocytes can trigger an immune response in the mother. This creates antibodies in the mother and memory lymphocytes that are able to create more antibodies. In the second pregnancy with a fetus with Rh factor, the antibodies in maternal blood can cross the placenta to the fetus and attack the fetus's erythocytes to cause erythroblastosis fetalis. The maternal blood in the first pregnancy does not contain such antibodies to cause the problem because the mother has never been exposed to the Rh factor until the time of first childbirth with the antigen.

If I suspect that my account has been hacked who do I peport it to?

If you suspect that you account has been hacked you should use the "contact us" link on the website to report the issue.

What is johnny fetus?

Johnny Fetus is a game that you have to play with your xbox 360 remote (I dont know how to play) but what you do is if one fetus gets to much food it explodes and a fetus is kinda like when you have not been born yet and in your mothers whoom except with other creatures

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After the egg has been fertilized the egg transfoms into a zygote the embryo and then a fetus which after becomes a baby!

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Synthroid is a schedule A drug which means it has been extensively tested in humans and does not appear to cause any harm to the developing fetus.

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Yes, the lion has been exposed to the process of artificial selection.