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If you mean by 'Doesn't like regular dog food' that it isn't eating it's food, I suggest you take him/her to the Vet. It could have something wrong with it's teeth to stop it eating.

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Q: What do you do if your dog doesnt like regular dog food?
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regular dog food.

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Yes they eat regular food if u have another dog he will likely eat that food.

What DOg food do dogs like best expensive or cheap and natural or regular why?

Each dog is different in their likes and dislikes of dog food brands.Personally I think that the more natural the food is the more healthy your dog should be, try them out on a few different types of food to see which ones they like best.

Why doesn't my dog want to eat dog food?

Because you've been giving him too many treats, or youre feeding him human food too often.or because it doesnt like that type of food

What can i feed my dog if he doesnt want dog food?

you could try cooked plain oatmeal

Is dog food edible?

Yes but it doesnt tastegood i recameend not to eat it

When can a newborn eat regular dog food?

Yes, they can!

Is it ok to feed a dog a little canned mackerel mixed in with her regular dog food and how often?

ya every few days like once a week

How old does a puppy have to be to switch to dog food?

The switch from puppy food to regular dog food usually occurs at one year of age.

What do dogs like to eat the most?

most dogs and puppies do great on dry or wet dog kibble. it is never good to give your dog human food as their digestive system is different from ours and this could cause serious harm. A dry dog food that doesnt have a lot of by product is usually best.

What is a dogs favrite food?

All dogs have different regular food. You can try different dog food types untill you find YOUR dogs fav. Mine will eat regular can food slowly, but he chomps down gravy train like he thinks another dog will beat him to it. Yet any left overs are what he really likes.