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Q: What do you do if your wiggly tooth is permanent?
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Can you have a cavity if its a permanent tooth?

Yes, you can you can get a cavity in a baby tooth as well as a permanent tooth.

Is it rare to have a baby tooth as an adult?

not as much as you think. It actually happens quite often. when it does, you treat that tooth as a permanent tooth and fill cavities. You can even crown a baby tooth if there is no permanent tooth underneath it. If you have a permanent tooth under it, they usually extract the baby tooth.

Are permanent teeth wiggly after they come in?

That is possible, but they'll become more steady later on.

What if an adult takes out a permanent tooth?

Then you don't have a tooth, you can get a false tooth though

Are all the baby tooth is replaced by permanent tooth?


Is there any harmful effects when the baby tooth does not drop off?

The job of baby teeth is to reserve the place for the permanent teeth to come in. When the baby tooth does not drop off, but the permanent tooth is coming out on schedule, it could divert the permanent tooth in a different direction. If a baby tooth has not come out and the permanent tooth has yet to arrive, it could mean the permanent tooth has not developed or growth is delayed. Consult with a general or pediatric dentist to determine the situation and what course of action needs to be taken.

Is the fourth tooth from the middle on the bottom a milk tooth?

The tooth in question is a tooth that children have. If it is not a permanent tooth, it could be called a milk tooth.

What about a Mandibular tooth coming in behind another tooth - both deciduous?

The tooth that is coming in behind the mandibular tooth is not deciduous, it will be a permanent tooth. These permanent mandibular teeth should be coming in anywhere from 6-10 years of age.

Is baby tooth root canal effects the coming of permanent tooth?


What is a baby tooth?

A baby tooth is a tooth which will be replaced when it has been lost by the child to whom it belongs, and replaced with a permanent, adult tooth.

How do you pull your own tooth out with out it hearting?

what you do is you put on an extremely funny video on youtube, pause it at the beginning, and then put bonjella on the area around the area of the wiggly tooth. then you get a paper towel, (have a few extras for blood,) put it on the tooth, get a good grip, play the video and when you start laughing, pull very hard. i do thids with all my wiggly ones and it is actually painless. i didnt feel it!!!!!!!! dont believe me? try it.

What term is given to a a permanent tooth that replaces a primary tooth of the same type?
