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Well, everything is possible in today's society. You can not make your tounge "grow" but you can always get it surgically slitted like Gene Simmans did.

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1h ago

Your tongue reaches its full size by the time you reach adulthood. There are no safe or recommended ways to make your tongue grow beyond its natural size, and attempting to do so could cause injury or other complications.

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Will your tongue grow if you exercise it?

No, exercising your tongue will not make it grow in size. However, practicing tongue exercises can help improve tongue strength and flexibility, which may be beneficial for certain activities such as speaking different languages or playing musical instruments.

Why does your tongue not grow hair?

There are no hair follicles on the tongue.

Does your tongue grow after partial removal?

No it doesn't grow back.

Can a burn victim grow their tongue back?

If the tongue suffers severe damage. This is the kind of damage beyond tongue piercing, for example. The tongue contains a regenerative feature that allows the tongue to grow back into its original form with little scar tissue.

Does hair grow on the tongue?

No, hair does not grow on the tongue. The surface of the tongue is covered in papillae, taste buds, and lingual tonsils, but it does not have hair follicles like the skin on the rest of the body.

Why does your hair NOT grow?

There are no hair follicles on the tongue.

Does a human tongue constantly grow as you grow older?

No, the human tongue does not grow in size as you grow older. However, taste buds can become less sensitive with age, leading to changes in taste perception.

Can you grow your tongue longer?

I'm pretty sure you can't....

What can make your tongue get tongue cancer?

earing popsicles.

How long can a frog's tongue grow?

Depends on the species and how big the frog is.