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First you have to teach him what "NO" is . . . remember, it can't understand any human language. But it can react to various sound combinations that just happen to be words to you and me.

Anyway, when it does something that it shouldn't, tell it "No" firmly, and either pull it away from what it's doing or distract it away. If you get angry or shout at him, then it just won't work. Ever.

NEVER, EVER let the dog ignore ANY command. NEVER say the command more than once, using its name, like, "Rover, NO" or "Rover, SIT". You may need to go to a puppy training class so that YOU can learn what to do.

I was once teaching a puppy of mine to "Come". He was doing pretty well after a week, and then one day, he chose NOT to come. I had to chase him around the large yard, through prickle bushes and thorns, and so on, until he got so tired that I could lead him over to where I had first been and say, "GOOD COME!!! " with lots of head pats. He never ignored that command, again.

YOU CANNOT let a dog do something bad one day, and scold him for doing it the next day. DOGS KNOW 2 THINGS: "I can always do this" and "I can never do this". If you don't want the puppy to grow up lying on the couch or chairs, then NEVER, EVER let him get on the couch or chairs.

Remember three things:

1. It may seem it takes forever, but the puppy will learn OK, as long as you always say the same commands to it, and always be sure that it obeys, even if you have to gently move it.

2. I can't stress this hard enough, and it has to do with YOUR intelligence, but you MUST ALWAYS reward the puppy with a snack, a hug, and the best: A short playtime. This, just between you and me, is the secret to Dog Training. Make it WANT to do what you command, and eventually, the puppy will obey you without even thinking about it.

3. NEVER, EVER, EVER scold your dog, especially after he has done something bad. He won't know why you're upset, because he doesn't remember what he did wrong. Then he will be much less likely to obey you in the future.

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