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Well I have this very same issue but you have to ignore the ignorance people do it to get under your skin to make you feel less than a person. Im14 and I have issues like this all the time but I know how to take control of a situation by ignoring it to my best ability. If push come to shove and it is really agitating you then come up with come backs find their biggest insecurities!

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Q: What do you do when people make fun of your weight?
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Make fun of him!

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Women like to keep their weight a secret because they don't want people to make fun of them if they are a little overweight.

If people make fun of your weight and will not stop what should you do?

If you are comfortable with your weight, then say that to the people. They are just looking for some fun (in a cruel way) because they are actually uncomfortable themselves. You can ask why they point that out, and that will usually make them stop and think and won't say anything anymore because they have no reason to. If they persist, then just tell them how you feel when they do and they should stop.

Why do people make fun of mentally ill people?

People make fun of them because they are different. They think that if they are different, they should be treated different. People should understand that it is wrong to make fun of other people if they look or act differently from themselves.

What is the average weight of a 5' 3 12-year-old?

You should be at least 85 to 95 pounds if you are 12. Im 12 and I am 5ft3 and people at my school make fun of me all the time for being so skinny! I try not to listen but if people make fun of you, you should either ignore them.

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Tell the people who are making fun of you that it is not your fault you have to wear them.

Over weight people feel when they are playing sport?

Over weight people fill intimated when they are playing sport... because there are fit people looking and making fun of them

Why make fun of polish people?

It's not nice. Remember the golden rule, treat others as you would have them treat you. In other words, if you make fun of Polish people you need to be OK with people making fun of you.

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they make fun of his name not because it's not a good name but people think he's just not a good prisedent. i think people think that obama is too young to be a president and so they make fun of him.

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People will always make fun of other people who look, act, dress, or talk differently.

How is the Nintendo Wii used?

it actually can make you lose weight...and it is really fun i have one

Should you play on the Wii fit?

Yes, it can make you loose weight (the fun way).