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It depends how strong your love is for your long distance boyfriend.

If you start thinking of the life ahead of your with that other person,

then the time is right, tell him.

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Q: What do you do when your beginning to like someone else who is sweet to u but ur not sure they feel the same while being in a boring long distance relationship but you still care for your bf?
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What do you do when you're beginning to fall for someone else while you're in a boring long distance relationship but you don't want to hurt your boy friend?

Long distance relationships never work out someone always ends up cheating. So just tell your bf that things would be better if he lived close but he doesn't and you don't think its gonna work out. Tell him your sorry.

What do you do when im beginning to fall for someone else while im in a boring long distance relationship but you still care for your bf?

What u should do Is break up with him very gently give him a really nice break up and say u still want to be friends. Then you'll be free to date the guy your falling for :) hope this helped

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Proper understanding is the key between an relationship

If someone leaves his wife for the person he is having an affair with does the relationship with the mistress ever work?

Individuals, who run from one relationship to another, usually never find what they are looking for in that other person. Having an affair with someone is significantly different from actually living with that person. The sexual excitement of the relationship usually becomes dull and boring after a couple of years.

How a boring person becomes individual?

A boring person is already an individual. Boring is a judgment call and a person who may seem boring to you is just perfect for someone else.