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No, only female fish produce eggs. Male betta fish produce sperm.

You may often see a cluster of egg shaped bubbles at the top of a male betta's bowl or aquarium. These are not eggs, but they are a type of nest called a bubble nest.
no. they make nests for the females to lay eggs in
No, the females lay eggs.

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11y ago

First, take the female out immediately after she is done laying them. She might eat the eggs and the male might attack her if she even blinks ((well, they don't actually blink it is just a saying XD)). The male should of made a bubble nest at the surface of the water. The male will guard the eggs and take care of them until they hatch. Then take them in a different tank where you should have some food for them.

So technically, you really don't have to do anything.

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No, not at all.

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Q: What do you do when your betta fish lays eggs?
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Do octopus lay amniotic eggs?

The fish lays eggs in a simple way. Take the salmon for example. It makes a nest with itstail then the male fertalizes the eggs and she lays them in the nest. The female die shortly after spawning(laying eggs). That is how this fish lays eggs.

What fish lays the biggest eggs?

Probably the Whale Shark - since it's the biggest fish in the ocean !

What does it mean when a betta fish lays down at the bottom of the fish bowl on its side?

It most likely means that he/she is sick because that is what happened to my betta fish. make sure you don't overfeed your betta fish because it can lead to constipation and that will cause trouble for the betta fish

What is the name of a fish with a long flat bill?

a platypus it is not really a fish it is an amphibian that lays eggs

How many eggs do fishes lay?

The answer to how many eggs does a fish lay really depends on the type of fish that you are asking about. Some species on lay a few dozen while others will lay thousands in order to try to ensure their species survival.Fish can lay 2-500 eggs at a time, it depends on the species. That's why there are so many fish in a school of fish!Usually, about 50-200. The fish lays eggs in a simple way. Take the salmon for example. It makes a nest with it's tail then the male fertalizes the eggs and she lays them in the nest. The female die shortly after spawning(laying eggs). That is how this fish lays eggs. Actually, it depends on the fish. Some fish, like salmon, lay only a few hundred eggs. But generally, marine fish lay more eggs. Some marine fish lay millions of eggs.50-200 (usually)

Related questions

How long is it before the female betta fish gives birth?

she doesn't give birth - she lays eggs. :o)

How long will it take before you betta fish lays her eggs?

at least two to six hours that's my estimat bucause my fish took two days to be layed this my cousins time for his fish it dependes on how old they are

After a fish lays its eggs after how many days does the eggs hatch?

depends on the fish.

Will a female betta fish make a bubble nest?

No. The male betta makes the bubble nest, the female lays the eggs, the male fertilizes the eggs and then takes the eggs and places them into the bubbles of the nest. Most often he will then turn and attack the female i still present. The male will then tend to the eggs until hatched making sure to replace any eggs that fall out of their bubbles.

What does it mean when your betta fish is fasting?

When your Betta fish is fasting it means it is not eating, this usually happens after the Betta has bred and it will not eat until all the Betta eggs are hatched.

Does a flounder lay eggs or live birth?

they lay eggs

Has scale and lays eggs in water?


My betta's belly is expanded what does that mean?

It might meen that your betta fish is about to lay eggs.

Are betta fish born from eggs?

Some are, most are not.

Why does a male betta blows bubbles around a female?

The bubbles protect the eggs the female lays.

If your snail lays eggs will your other fish eat the eggs or babies?

If the fish can find the eggs and/or babies they will eat them.

Who or which Betta fish takes care of the eggs?

the male betta does, the female just swims away.