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i would tell my best friend 2 stop it

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Q: What do you do when your boyfriend and your best friend can't get along?
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What if you have a boyfriend and your best friend is Valentine's with your boyfriend?

you need to ask your friend what is the meaning of it? did your friend know he was your boyfriend and did your boyfriend know that she was your friend. You cant always jump to conclusions first get the information and facts

What if your friend goes with your best friend ex boyfriend?

well you cant help how you feel, or who your attracted. this friend cant help how he/she feels but this friend can help what he/she does about it. Does your best friend approve of this? Tell your best friend to talk to this friend about the situation

How can you make your best friend love you over her boyfriend?

You cant 'make' anyone do anything, if someone loves their boyfriend then you cant force them to love you. If you love your best friend then too bad, I don't think you should get involved.

What do you do when you have a boyfriend but your best friend tells you he loves u and u love your best friend more do u break up with your boyfriend or just tell your best friend u cant be with them?

you tell your boyfriend that you don't feel that you are meant to be together that you feel that you and him will still be friends but that the relationship was not what you wanted.

What should you do if you cant deiced if you believe your best friend or boyfriend. cause my best friend said my boyfriend is cheating on me but my boyfriend has denied that he is?

First, how well does your best friend know your boyfriend? Does your friend see your boyfriend that often? Do they get along, or are they always fighting? Do they ever fight over you? If your friend sees your BF a lot, and they get along, and if your friend isn't that possessive and you trust her, then I'd believe her. Also, does your BF seem like the kind of guy who would cheat on you? Actually, if your BF and BFF seem really tight and sometimes look like they're flirting, then, even though this might hurt to think about, they might want to be together. But this is your BFF we're talking about, so maybe not. It all depends on their personalities. What I'd do is I'd have a talk with both of them at the same time, so your BF can hear that your bestie told you he was cheating, and your boyfriend can deny it in front of both of you. Hopefully this helps, but it's my first answer so sorry if it doesn't!

What would your best friend do behind her friends backs with her boyfriend?

well if she did anyhting then she cant be called a friend can she. personally the term i would use for such a person is bitch!! its common sense that when your friend has a boyfriend you do not go and do things with them! not unless you want to lose that person as a friend! im guessing you have a friend you don't trust and if that's the problem then there is a simple solution; get her out of your life!!!!

What do you do when you love your boyfriend and he loves you but you also love your best friend and your best friend loves you and your best friend is dying please help?

Either tell your boyfriend you need to take a break or confort your friend in a non flirty way or cheat ( but dont do that than cause i bet you he is probebly saying that to get you in his arms ) PS: and fyi you cant love 2 people at the same time Or, you can my answer: First of all, you need to decide with no one else's opinions but your own which person you love more: your boyfriend or your best friend. If you decide that you love your boyfriend more, you need to carefully tell your best friend that you love them as a friend but you love your boyfriend more. If your best friend is a good friend, they will understand and live with the choice you choose because if they really did 'love' you, they would care about your feelings more than your own. If you decide to choose your best friend over your boyfriend, you might be in for a lot of drama with your boyfriend.. But if your best friend is really worth it, they will help you get through it and I personally think you'd be happier in the long run. But it depends on your relationships with both of them. (I know from experience because this situation has happened to me in sorta reverse. I was in love with my best guy friend, who had a girlfriend at the time. I decided to tell him my feelings for him, and he cared about me and completely understood.. But he never chose me over her. But I care about him and I completely understand his side of the situation. The moral is... If you choose your boyfriend over your best friend, your best friend will probably be really hurt, but they might get over it eventually..and painfully.) I hope this helps :) -M.

What should you do when you have a best friend that likes you ex-boyfriend?

That's a really tough situation. Well first does your ex know or like your best friend? If he does like her then its all up to you. Either give your best friend permission to date him or don't let her date him. If she gets mad at you for telling her she cant date him then she isn't a true friend. A best friend is usually forever and a bf is not going to last too long.

How do you live with out your best friend forever?

to me the answer is... you cant its impossible

What do you do if you think your best friend is mad at you because you like her boyfriend?

you cant help if u like someone,as long as ur not hitting on them or seeing him behind there back there really shouldn't be a problem

What do you do whenu have a boyfriend but you cant get his best friend out of your mind?

Sit down and think carefully about what is it that you like or attracts you to your boyfriends best friend, maybe write a list of the things. Then think about your boyfriend and do the same. Compare the lists, is what you like in your Bf's best friend simply physical appearance, do you just have a crush on him that would be removed if you knew him better? If the lists are similar then try getting to know your boyfriends best friend better in a very subtle way so that your boyfriend doesn't know or get jealous. If you find that on getting to know him better you don't like him then quickly back off. However if you find that you are getting to like him better it is time to carefuly evaluate your relationship. Perhaps your boyfriend's best friend has qualities or characteristics that you yearn for that your boyfriend lacks? Talk to his best friend before you talk to your boyfriend about this. It may sound underhand but both his best friend and you don't want to hurt him and will do what is best at this point before you get too attached to each other. If you tell your boyfriend then he will be immediatly wary of his best friend which will be awful for all three of you and even if the relationship with your boyfriend works out just great, he will never forget that there was a time when you found his best friend more attractive than him. Of course these are only guidelines to be adapted to different situations and personalities. Be very careful as you don't want to turn the two guys against each other over you. I hope this helps, good luck!

You think your ex-best friend is trying to still your boyfriend because she used to go out with him?

Wow, what a tangled web. She used to date him, now he's your boyfriend and she is your ex-best friend. Sounds like what comes around goes around... The only way she would get him back is if he still has an interest in her, too, that is something you need to find out. She can like who she wants, cant she, you did....