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Even though he may be a great person, do both of you a favor for now by not going after him at this time. If he's upset about a breakup, he's not ready to be involved with anyone else. He needs time to get over his feelings and not treat another girlfriend as a rebound. There's nothing wrong with flirting with him and asking him out when he starts acting like his regular self again. Show him the best of you when you see him, but don't become his confidante and spend time with him 24/7--he may end up seeing you as a buddy and nothing more. If you meet someone else you like, go on dates and have fun--don't invest heavily in a crush that may or may not be reciprocated in the future.

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I have often heard that depression is anger turned inward. Try talking with him and see if he is redirecting or supressing anger at something or someone else. Maybe he is angry at someone that, on some level, he does not feel like he should be angry with, and in turn, is feeling depressed.

My daughters boyfriend is very depressed but as well is she, i think it is harder for her to see her boyfriend depressed then to see her self, she had come to me and said that it bugs her they have been together for over 2 years, and i feel as if both of there disorders are getting in the way of there everyday life, but my daughter has been on medications and nothing has helped, and shes tryed talk with others she has a clncal depression which is not safe at all. i think that the person has to find a way to cope even tho sometimes its hard cause i have seen my daughter cry for weeks straight and thinkning of live makes her even sadder, so i think that the person has to find there own way to solve there problems its like being a drug addict you have to want help.

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