

What do you do when your dog gets more then one bee sting?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Take your dog to the vet.

They give us undying love and ask nothing in return.

Go to the Vet.

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Q: What do you do when your dog gets more then one bee sting?
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What does the nervous system do they are stung by a bee?

It depends on how bad the sting was...and the dog's reaction to the sting

What if your dog is foaming at the mouth and he was on his leash out side could this be from a bee sting?

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A puppy will react with little, soft wining if it is stung by a bee. It will act tame.

What would cause a dog's eye to become swollen and inflamed?

it could be from a bee sting or a bug bite

What should you give your dog when it gets stung?

If the dog goes into respiratory distress after the sting it could be one of those rare dogs that is allergic to bee venom. If that is the case, you will need to transport the animal to a vet for emergency treatment. If not, your dog just got a lesson about avoiding bees and will probably not get stung again unless you lavish so much attention on the dog after the sting that you positively reinforce that behavior. Watch and wait is about all you should need to do.

What to do if your dog gets stung by a wasp on his foot?

Most stings on a dog are located on their face. If it's a single sting, it's best to leave the dog alone. If your notice weakness, difficulty breathing, or a lot swelling particularly in the mouth or tongue take the dog to the vet immediately.

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can a centipede sting harm a dog

What happens when a small 13lb poodle dog gets stung by a bee?

You should call your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Your dogs right eye is swollen what should you do?

My dog has just been stung on the eyelid whilst out walking. I came straight home and telephoned the vet. She advised me to give her a 1/4 tablet of human's Piriton (chlorphenamine) and put a cold compress on the eye. FYI my dog weighs about 5 kilo's. The vet advised if it continued to swell then she may need to be seen, however I can happily report that within 2 hours the swelling has gone completely and my dog is bouncing around. ANSWER You can give your canine friend CHILDRENS Benadryl for allergic reactions such as this. I disagree with running your dog to the vet due to a bee sting, but that is my opinion. Call your vet and ask them the Benadryl dosage for your dog. This is a confusing question. If the dog's one eye is swollen from a bee sting, it's because of the venom that the bee injected. It is possible that if you didn't remove the stinger, assuming it actually was a bee and not a wasp, that it may have become infected. But, for a bee sting to spread to another eye would be unusual. As with any medical question, talk to a vet. Or, wait until the poor thing loses an eye from infection, that's another option. I don't mean to be rude, but while you were typing the question, your dog is sitting their suffering. Good luck. Again take your 4-legged baby to the vet. If you were stung by a bee in the eye and your other eye is starting to have a problem, would you not go to the doctor. Geeesssssh! Take care of these little guys, they're tough, but they can go down rather quickly. Take it to the vet!!!

What is the most best stingy animal?

Many types of animals sting in a variety of ways. Wasps, bees, jelly fish, anenomies, sting rays, and scorpions as well as many more.

What do you get when you cross a bee and Blue Clue?

You get a buzzed dog when you cross a bee and Blues Clues.

What happens when you cross a fast dog with a bumblebee?

you get sting