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Q: What do you do with a sick boat?
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Where does the boat go when it is sick?

to the dock

Where did the boat go when it was sick?

up your hole with a tootsie roll

Did Edward John Eyre get sick on the boat?

What boat? Edward John Eyre was an overland explorer, not a sea explorer.

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men, get in the boat

What would you feel on the first fleet in 1787-1788?

Depressed,Scared,upset and home sick or maybe boat sick

What episode did sonic comfess his love for Amy?

I think when sonic was on a boat and i think he was home sick or sea sick and he was lieing to every one

What was the Italians boat trip to America like?

the Italian boat trip to America was bad it carried disaeses and when they came off the boat and into Ellis island most of them were sick,tired,or mad

Where do you get first hm on FireRed?

Talk to the sea-sick captain on the boat in vermillion city

Can you make sentence of motion?

The motion of a boat often make people very sick.

Can you get nauseous in the back seat of a moving car?

If the car is moving fast then it can make you feel sick like a boat

What size boat do you need to go from California to Bahamas?

any size that won't make you sick while you ride it

How long does it take by boat from Scotland to Canada?

7000 days because I have been and I was sick half way through