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You show it to the truck owner at the school.

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Q: What do you do with the fluid from fast mart Wimpy Wonderland?
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What does the fluid do from fast mart wimpy wonderland?

The fluid ,from fast mart wimpy wonder land, unfreezes the snow trucks windshield so that it can scoop up the snow.

Where is the radio in fast mart in Wimpy Wonderland?

the radio is in the fast mart:P

Where is the fast-mart on Wimpy Wonderland?

its in the last port of the streets

Exactaly how do you get rid of the kids by the fast mart in wimpy wonderland on poptropica?

you have to change the tune near the door in fast mart

How do you unfreeze the windshield on wimpy wonderland?

get the No-Freeze wiper fluid from the Fast Mart after you get rid of the whirley bullies, the manager will give it to you for free. then go to the worker man with the plow. then divide the luiquid (search that).

What if there is no guy with the truck in Wimpy Wonderland?

The snowplow driver only appears at certain times. He will be there when you get the wiper antifreeze from the Fast Mart.

How do you get away the teens from the fast mart in wimpy wonderland poptropica?

Put the Classical CD from bingo into the radio on the wall of the mini mart on full blast -saf

What do you do after you drive the teenagers away in wimpy wonderland poptropica?

You're supposed to get the No Freez jug from the Fast Mart. It's for the guy by the school.

How do you get the trucker to be near his truck on Wimpy Wonderland?

He appears there when you are going past the school but he needs antifreeze fluid for his windwhield wipers. You get it when you chase the teens from the Fast Mart with the CD you win at bingo. Once you have the fluid, and the dog bowl from Rodrick's room, you can meet him to use the fluid.

What do you do with the classical CD in wimpy wonderland?

You go to Fast Mart in the main area of Wimpy Wonderland, then use the CD. It will be inserted into a music box near the corner of the store. Click on the music box, and turn up the volume as high as you can go. Then you will see that some teens that were outside of the store are leaving. The store owner will thank you with some wiper fluid. ~Good luck! ;)

Where is the truck driver on Wimpy Wonderland?

He only appears infrequently during the game, notably after you have the Classical CD from bingo and are going to use it at the Fast Mart's sound system. You need the dog dish from Rodrick's room before you can use the wiper fluid in the truck.

How do you get those teens away from fast mart on wimpy wonderland?

you use the music CD that you won in bingo at leisure towers and insert it in the CD player in the store the teenagers are in front of