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Q: What do you do with the remote controlled helicopter on the bored walk?
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How do you get the frisbee in wimpy board walk poptropica?

you have to beat all the games and give the jumbo prize to the kid with the helicopter and use the helicopter

How do you take helicopter rides in the snow resort in Go Vacation?

Turn around a little bit and you should see some pink circles not too far away. Go up to them and get off your form of transport (walk). Look at each map and it shows you where each helicopter goes. Then go in the circle near the map you want to go to and click A on your wii remote. Don't press A again because that skips the adventure of the helicopter!

Where is cranium shaker on diary wimpy kid board walk?

there by the boy with the helicopter

I think my Boyfriend is getting bored or fed up with our relationship how can you tell his hearts not into it anymore?

You can tell hes not into the relationship when you walk into the room wearing nothing on and he looks at you and ask honey wears the remote that is when you need to start looking for something new

Is there a code for a RC helicopter on Nintendogs?

No, you can only get an RC Helicopter in the presents while, you're taking a walk.

What are some good ideas on stuff to do when youre bored?

There are many great ideas out there for people to do when they are bored. Some things to do when your bored is to take a walk, go swimming, read a book, or volunteer somewhere.

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they never get bored they walk around and eat all day

What is the use of a television remote?

It saves you having to walk to the television by clicking a button on the remote to change the channel or volume.

How can you get to school other than a car?

Walk, Buss, Taxi, Helicopter, Roller skates, motorbike.

What do you do with the helicopter on wimpy board walk in poptropica?

you have to beat all games. get the jumbo prize trade it for the hellicopter.

How do you get the money back from the teenagers using the helicopter at poptropica wimpy board walk?

Go to the fun house, rowley will be stuck in the slide use the suntan lotion to get him out and attach fish sticks to helicopter

How do you ask in French Are you bored?

First, u get a plane ticket to france. Then u get on that plane and fly to France. Next, once in France, walk up to someone and say "are you bored"