

What do you feed fry?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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you are going to want to feed them flakes but make sure it is turned into powder you want to crush it up with a plastic knife. this will help them get the food in their mouths after 5 weeks you can start feeding them bigger peices and at 6 weeks you can move them into the real tank and feed them what the other fish eat.

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Q: What do you feed fry?
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Why is a baby fish called a fry?

because u cant really fry it yet. it is still growing

What is the name for a fish offspring called?

fry no pun intended

What do you feed pet minnows I have some minnows and I want to know what to feed them. So what do you feed baby small minnows?

I found this which may of be use to you :The baby fry feed on small organisms called infusoria and algea. To grow infusoria for feeding just get a jam jar of pond water and run it through some cotton wool or muslin to get out any larger predatorial organsims like daphnia which will eat the infusoria and add hay the water. Leave it for a few days in a dimly lit room at about room temp. and when you next look you should see lots of tiny white dots in the water which, if looked at under a microscope reveal to be lots of types of infusoria in their millions. these can be fed to the fry by adding them to the tank. To get more just add some of the old water containing the infusoria to boiled tapp water with hay and repeat the other proceedours. As the fry grow their diet changes. When they reach about half an inch they can be fed small organisms like daphnia or cyclopses. These can be obtained by dragging a net through water where they can be see or they can be purchased from aquarium dealers. Soon the fish will eat the same food as the adults and will quickly grow.

What is young the young one of fish called?

Fry Young fish are mostly called Fry! It could also be called fingerling. Fish eggs are called roe.

Can you deep fry an oven stuffer roaster or do you have to use a fryer chicken?

You can deep fry an oven stuffer roaster. You can also deep fry the fryer chicken. Make sure either chicken is thawed before putting in the deep fryer.

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What do you feed your betta fry?

Brine shrimp.

How do you take care betta fry fish?

Kill them you can fry an egg and break the yolk up and feed it to them

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As soon as the egg sac has gone.

What should you feed your swordtail fry and how many times daily?

you should probobly feed it Canadian ants. there high in protein

When do you take Oscars' fry out of tank?

When you can see they can feed and look after themselves well

What do you feed newborn mollie fry?

You feed the your normal fish food but make sure it looks like a powder and once it does add water to it so it will sink. Because fry's aren't that smart after birth make sure you don't over feed them u should feed them about once a day cause their so small.

How do you take care of mickey molly fry?

mickey molly fry is like other molly fry just separate them from the parents and other adults.keep the tank needy so that your fry will be healthy feed them with dry worms , luke worms, and blood worms then your fry will be safe.all the best.

What to feed a baby bettas?

don't listen to that guy i don't think he has a brain you feed it fry food or powered fish food TOM!

What should you feed your Zebra Danio Fry?

Take Tropical Flakes and grind them as finely as possible for the brand new baby fry. The flakes should be a fine powder.

how much should i feed my baby fry?

Not a lot! At least a pinch of food they're small!

What do you do when your platie fish gets pregnant?

Just wait until it has its fry. You should get more information on how to raise the platy fry such as what to feed them. If you have any other fish in the tank take then out or separate them so they will not eat the fry. Hope this helps, T