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Rabbits should eat a diet of mostly hay, with some fresh vegetables (mostly dark leafy greens) and high-quality commercial pellets daily, and fresh water.

Some sources (like the book mentioned in this question, probably) give incorrect advice about how to care for rabbits. Always be critical about books and website and the information they tell you. Mush and MASH and mulch feeds are not recommended for healthy rabbits: pellets and hay are much better because they wear down a rabbit's teeth (which are continually growing!) and they keep the digestive tract moving and healthy. Homemade feeds are not recommended because a lot fo science goes into rabbit pellets, and it's unlikely a homemade feed would include all the important vitamins and minerals and nutrients a rabbit needs.

You can get pellets from farm stores (like Runnings, or The Co-op). In the summer, you can pick grass for the rabbit, but be careful that no one has sprayed it with pesticides or chemicals, or that it's not covered in pollution or car exhaust, or that there's no parasite eggs on it, because these can kill your rabbit. Wash vegetables from the store really well!

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Q: What do you feed your pet rabbit for breakfast in a book it said to feed it MASH but how do you make it?
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What do you feed your pet rabbit?

You can feed your rabbit a variety of things such as pellets and alfalfa or timothy hay. You can also go to a local pet store and purchase rabbit food.

What is layer mash for chickens made of?

Laying Mash is specially formulated chicken feed meant to boost your pullets nutritional health. Layer mash is higher in protein and various minerals than other feeds. Layer mash/layer feed includes higher calcium content suited to the nutritional needs of hens producing eggs. The mash is ground finer than normal feed and can be fed dry or moist. It also comes in a pellet form for those hens who prefer a pellet.

How much and how often should you feed your 13 pound averaged sized pet rabbit?

i have a 12.5 pound french lop eared rabbit. He eats about 1 1/3 cup of rabbit feed each night. And a little bit of parsley through the day. You can feed your rabbit a little over a cup every day at the same time, or feed him/her half in the morning and the remaining at night. BUT be sure to stay with the feeding routine. If you feed your rabbit all his/her food at the same time, remember what time you fed your rabbit and feed him/her that same time the next day.

What is laying mash?

Laying Mash is a specially formulated chicken feed , higher in protein and various minerals including calcium suited to the nutritional needs of hens producing eggs. The mash is ground finer than normal feed and can be fed dry or moist. It also comes in pellet form. Regular scratch feed is a mix of grains with small amounts of protein that is suited to the everyday use for all chickens.

Can rabbits eat straw?

yes, they can, as straw is better for bedding than 1/2 should feed your rabbit about 50% of the daily food should be hay/timothy hay/alfalfa hay (for pregnant or growing rabbits). and the other 50% should be 16-18% rabbit feed (pellets).feed resource's:*no food, cant get to the store today?answer: feed your rabbit 1 handful (NO MORE) cracked corn or oat meal (UN cooked). this should no be continued for more than 2 days!* what type of pellets should be fed?answer: -16% rabbit pellets: before shows or to slim down your rabbit.- 17% rabbit pellets: casual feed.- 18% rabbit pellets: fatten up your rabbit.*what type of hay?answer: alfalfa: pregnant or growing rabbitstimothy: to fatten up rabbitnormal 1st cut hay: casual hay feed.ALWAYS FEED YOU RABBIT TREATS AND FRUIT/ VEGGIES DAILY!thank you

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How do you feed energy mash to your horse on howrse?

Well, the only way to get mash is to buy it. But, sometimes you may find a bag of it flying around the screen. If you click on it you will get it for free. Whatever it is.Click feed and then choose mash and then choose whatever mash you like.

What are the ingredients of layer's mash of poultry feed?

There are different ingredients of layer's mash used to feed poultry. The main ingredient is the high level of protein.

When should you feed your rabbits?

Absolutely Everyday! Hay and Water: Replace your rabbit's hay and water at least once a day. With hay, twice a day is better. Make sure your rabbit always has access to hay and water! Pellets and Greens: Split the daily portion into two meals, breakfast and dinner. See the related question below for details about what to feed your rabbit.

What should you feed your rabbit when it has babies in the winter?

Whatever you normally feed your rabbit is probably fine; Rabbit Chow, or whatever.

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What do you feed a norwegian lop rabbit?

i just feed my norwegian lop normal rabbit food.

What do you feed your baby dwarf rabbit?

rabbit food

Do you only feed pellets to a baby rabbit?

ARE U KIDDING ME MAYBE look it up somewhere else like in a book!

Do you mix bran mash with the horses feed?

it depends on the horse

How espensive is it to feed a netherland dwarf rabbit a month?

Feeding a Netherland Dwarf rabbit can cost around $20-$30 per month, including hay, pellets, and fresh vegetables. It's important to provide a balanced diet and monitor their food intake to prevent overfeeding. Costs may vary based on the quality of the food and where you purchase it.

How did chickens lay eggs before laying mash?

Chickens don't require laying mash to lay. The feed suppliers just formulated a feed that is balanced nutritionally to support laying birds.

Can you feed a rabbit grass cuttings?

no, grass has little nutritional value. its better to feed them alfalfa or rabbit food.