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Q: What do you feel is the most important trait for a spouse?
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Many characteristics are need, but two of the most important would be determination and common sense (if you want to call that a character trait).

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Katniss is loyal and courageous, making those up there in her most important traits.

Do you think your spouse is cheating but he is not?

Yes, some individuals can think their spouse is cheating when they are not. Some individuals have a jealous streak because they are not confident in themselves or perhaps have been hurt by someone else in the past that did cheat. Once an individual has been cheated on previously they are more inclined to be more suspicious of their new spouse cheating. This is where good communication skills is most important in a relationship and you should feel free to discuss how you feel with your spouse and then listen to what they have to say. There are male and female spouses who do cheat, but in most cases the signs are there or eventually the spouse cheating will give themselves away or be caught. We all risk a spouse cheating throughout our life spans, but thankfully a higher percentage do not cheat. Your relationship should be based on trust and if you do not feel you have it then work on it by communicating with your spouse or, if you are having difficulties with thinking your spouse is cheating there is nothing wrong with seeing a psychologist to get you over your difficult time.

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The type of sex you and your spouse feel most comfortable with.

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normally the out side of physical beauty

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Manupulative, That's her most important character trait in the story, as it drives the entire plot.

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Many people answer that the most important person is their child, their parent, their spouse or some other loved one. But the real answer is YOU! You are the most important person in your life!

What do you think is the most important trait of a scientist and why?

Being smart. The explanation is pretty self-explanatory.

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Brian feels his most important need is Fire.

How will you feel if you found out that your spouse told you his going to church but meeting the other woman?

I suppose it depends on who you are and the circumstances. Most people would probably feel pretty bad about it.