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Q: What do you get on to shoot in the trenches?
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Why did they use trenches in 1914?

They hide and shoot from them and if they get aggravated by the enemy they can charge them.

What did the soldiers in in the trenches in World War 1?

they wrote letters to their family or friends. they shoot at the enemy, adn hid when the enemy was shooting, The sleping ares were further back in the trenches. soldiers had trenchfeet and they got sick from the contamined trenches.

What was the warfare like in world war 1?

Trench warfare. They would sit in trenches and shoot at the enemy trench

What was warfare like in World War 1?

Trench warfare. They would sit in trenches and shoot at the enemy trench

How did machine guns influence how wars were fought?

Well, soldiers fighting in the war had to dig trenches and set up barbed wires along the trenches. They would shoot enemies that were approaching and the barbed wire would slow them down. The trenches provided protection(sometimes) from machine guns.

Why were trenches difficult to defeat?

If you tryed to run across, the enemies would pop out of the trenches and shoot you. Another negative factor was that both sides had periscope rifles. A periscope rifle has a periscope instead of a normal scope; this allowed them to shoot above the trench without showing your head

Did the RAF win World War 1?

shoot down other planes and dropped bombs and spikes on enemy trenches

What are continental trenches?

coninental trenches are trenches that go across countries...i think

What is traverses in world war woeld 1?

Front-line trenches were not dug in straight lines. Otherwise, if the enemy had a successive offensive, and got into your trenches, they could shoot straight along the line. The French tended to build zig-zag trenches. However, the British Army preferred a system where each trench was dug with alternate fire-bays and traverses. Whereas fire-bays were straight sections of trenches, traverses were built at angles. This limited the effect of enfilade fire or shell-burst

Why do passive margins have no trenches?

Trenches are caused by plate movement.

In what countries were the trenches?

there were a lot of trenches in england.

What was the reserve trenches like?

Reserve trenches