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The uncomplicated answer is that there are names given for such differences and here they are.

The difference in distance divided by the difference in time is velocity.

The difference in velocity divided by the difference in time is acceleration.

The difference in acceleration divided by the difference in time is jerk.

The last term is somewhat informal, but not so uncommon, especially in engineering. The technical term jerk is sometimes manipulated to create humor because "jerk" is also the term applied to people who carry out senseless harmful acts, like the person who posted the original posting of an answer to this question.

Now, technically, to be correct, we have to point out that distance (or displacement) is a vector having magnitude and direction, so also is velocity and acceleration and hence so is "jerk" a vector. Also, technically, this discussion is all true in the limit of diminishingly small intervals of time and hence the correct representation of each of these divisions of differences is as a derivative, as one learns in calculus.

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Q: What do you get when you divide difference between acceleration by difference between time?
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Velocity is the rate of change of distance with time, acceleration is the rate of change of velocity with time.

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They are definitely NOT the same. Acceleration is not velocity; acceleration is the RATE OF CHANGE of velocity. In symbols: a = dv/dt, which basically means that you divide the difference of velocity by the time, for a small time interval. Acceleration and velocity are both vectors.

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There are, of course, several formulae that involve acceleration. The basic definition of acceleration is: acceleration = delta velocity / delta time, that is, to get average acceleration, divide the difference of velocity by the time that passed. The same formula also gives you the instant acceleration, if the acceleration is constant. If you want to get instantaneous acceleration, and the acceleration changes, then you need calculus: acceleration = dv / dt (that is, take the derivative of the velocity).

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Average acceleration is the average of the accelerations acquired in the whole journey by a body while instantaneous acceleration is the acceleration of the body at any particular instant of time.

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Since acceleration is defined as change of velocity divide by time, it has units of (velocity / time). acceleration x time = (velocity / time) x time = velocity

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Acceleration is a change in velocity over time - (change in velocity) / (time difference). So, you basically need two velocity measurements (or two assumed velocities), and the time difference between the measurements.

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Calculate the difference in velocity, Then divide that by the time. The result will be the acceleration, in this case, in meters per second squared.

How do you find the deceleration rate?

The same as the acceleration rate. Measure the speed at one moment of time, measure the speed at another moment of time, calculate the difference, divide by the time elapsed.