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Eating glue can cause your lips to stick together. The punchline is a play on the word lipstick.

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Q: What do you get when you eat glue Lip sticks explain joke?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a lip balm and a glue stick?

The difference is that a lip balm's size is smaller than a glue stick's size. However, they are both 3D cylinders.

What sticks out of your lips when you sulk?

With a typical frowning face, your lip.

What is common between a lip balm and a glue stick?

What's common between these are they are 3d and cylinders, so cylinders are 3d. But size is not common that the lip balm is smaller than the glue stick.

How do glue a fake lip stud on without using super glue?

You can buy fake percing glue but u can only buy that at a body piercing shop

How much SPF is in lip balm chap stick and lip moisturizers?

Lip balms, chap sticks, and lip moisturizers do not always have SPF in them. If they have SPF protection, the number will be printed on the tube or the packaging.

What does it mean if someone tells you cheer up or you will trip over your lower lip?

it means if someones pouting their lower lip sticks out.

How do you explain 'zip ya lip'?

"Zip ya lip" means shut your mouth.

What does a lip balm and a glue stick have in common?

Size is different (lip balm is smaller) shape is common (3D) and cylinder. A cylinder is a 3D shape.

Did Obama really lip sync a speech or was it just a fake joke?

It was a joke from the onion on youtube. Its a comedy fake news channel. Nothing on there is legit but it is funny

Is a lip piercing normal when it sticks to the inside of your lip?

I am not a professional, but I don't believe that's a normal thing. I think it'd be a good idea for you to talk to your piercer.

Why do lip balms stay on lips?

its easy 4 lip balm to stay on lips because its a thick substance, but its a little bit watery, so it sticks and stays on.

How do you get super glue off of lips?

you can go to the hospital or get a flat piece of plastic and slide it along your lip