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Q: What do you have for tea when the rest of your family are having pie?
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Can you put instant tea in cold water?

Yes you can eat pie

What is sweet crust pastry used for?

making pie and for a child's tea party

Should you have pie or chips with tea?

It you wish, seems like a good idea

What does she put in her tea and what kind of tea does she drink?

I am having apple cinnamon tea from stash premium and I added more cinnamon and some sugar. It's my first time having tea but it smells SO good

Having tea is it right?

Yes. It is right and not wrong to have tea as it does not have any effects.

What were some early colonists foods they ate?

Corn, deer, turkey, fish, pie, tea.

What happens to particles in a cup of tea?

they move around in the air with smells of the particle

What is the Hinky pinky for insect drink?

Bug jug, flea tea

Tommy the tank was having a?

cup of tea

What with TEA and QUEEN?

Having tea with the queen of England is historically considered to be the height of social acceptance.

How do you say having tea in Chinese?

yin cha

Where did tea oringinally come from?

Asia and it is still the primary tea growing area. Only one place in the United States grows tea and it is an island off the coast of South Carolina. The plants were brought there in the 1700's and are still growing. When growing tea the tops of the plant are cut and the rest of the plant is not cut, so the plant keeps growing.