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Q: What do you have to do to a gold in the dofe?
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Can you do gold DofE before bronze?

technically yes... but there is absolutely no point whatsoever!

Do you have to do bronze or silver DofE to do gold?

No - you can jump straight in at Gold if you are over 16... you will just need to do longer for some sections if you haven't got the previous Award.

Can you work in a Nursery for volunteering in dofe?

Not if it is a business, no.

Is it possible to work at a bakery for your dofe skill?

Not if it is a business, no.

Can you work at a bakery for your dofe skill?

probably..............................................................HECK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is dofe skill?


Does swimming count as a skill for Dofe?

No - it is a PHYSICAL section activity.

Can contributing to WikiAnswers be used for DofE volunteering?

No, DofE regulations state, "Your volunteering must not be done for a business but can be undertaken for a charity or not-for-profit organisation." WikiAnswers is a for profit business. See the related link for other requirements.

How often does your dofe log need to be signed?

Only at the end of a section. Your Assessor fills in their report and then you submit it for approval through eDofE... your Leader then approves it.

Can you launch an internet campaign as your DofE volunteering?

Yes... as long as you spend at least an hour a week on average on it, for the set length of time. Check with your Leader first.

Can you do work experience as part of your duke of Edinburgh award?

no you can not as work experience is compulseory and you must retain a proper job but a alternitive is to perhaps work for the actual DofE...

Does DOfe help us on getting into university?

Yes - it gives you something to talk about in your personal staement. It is especially useful if you have done an activity that is linked to the course you are wanting to take.