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The Earth Hour is celebrated on the last Saturday of March every year. It is observed from 20:30 to 21:30 hour local time of each place. The day is observed in order to conserve energy and draw the world’s attention to the cause of environmental degradation.

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Related questions

How much electricity consumption does Earth Hour save?

I can't say exactly how much energy consumption earth hour saves but I do know that Toronto alone saves 2,347,600 kilowatts from it

Why is earth hour held on the last weekend of march?

earth hour is an hour with no power

The advantage and disadvantage of earth hour?

disadvantages of earth hour

When was Earth Hour created?

Earth Hour was created in 2007.

How many mile per hour is the moon traveling around the earth?

I do not know ask someone that does

How does earth hour help?

Earth Hour helps in many ways it saves energy also when you do Earth Hour you realize what you are actually doing to the earth.

Who participated in earth hour?

I took part in earth hour and hope it saved the earth did you take part????

Why do you celebrate earth hour?

We celebrate earth hour to conserve electricity specially to save our mother earth.

Which countries participated in Earth Hour?

In 2010,128 countreis participated in earth hour

Where did earth hour stop?

It isn't clear what you mean by "earth hour", and how that would stop.

When is Earth Hour 2009?

earth hour on the year of 2009 is March 28th from 8.30pm to 9.30pm

How long do you have to put out the light on earth day?