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By reading and very important, by studying the New Testament you learn who the Savior of the world is. You learn who God and the father of Jesus is. You learn how to come to Jesus Christ for salvation. Each book in the New Testament has many important things that you need to know. In most of the Apostle Paul's writings, Paul will tell you of the theological doctrine of which he is teaching and then he will give you the practical way of living up to that doctrine. The Book of I Peter will give you knowledge, strength, and courage as persecution increases in our lives. The Book of James tells us of faith and other practical ways of living. Galatians tells us the difference between "Law" and "Grace" and why we should live by faith and not by law. The Book of Revelation is a look into the future and for the Christian the future is bright. Each book is a treasure and an encouragement to live for the Lord Jesus Christ. Ask God to guide you and lead you as you read the bible for yourself. I would suggest if you are new to the bible to start in the Gospel of John.

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Q: What do you learn by reading the New Testament?
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