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a telescope

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Q: What do you look in when you need to see the stars?
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magnify glass
Related questions

What else can you see in the sky besides stars and the moon?

Planets but the look like stars

How do you see the moon and the stars?

Look up at night and they there but if you mean. How do you see them clerly look throu a teliscope

Why do scintists use telescopes?

They need to look at the stars

Why could you see the stars but not the planetes?

you can see mars and Jupiter but they look like stars unless you use a telescope ------------------------ Because stars shine - give off light - while planets do not.

The stars you see at night are members of what?

Our Galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy. you may see others that look like stars but are actually galaxy's (M52).

What is the procedures for studying the stars?

you look in a telescope and see if they make a shape

Why does the light that you see from the stars look very faint?

because there far

Does the sky have stars?

stars are referred to as being in the sky, If you refer to the sky as everything that you see when you look up..then yes

Can stars have different colors?

Stars do have different colours. If you look carefully, you will see that there are differences between the colours of stars. Some are very different in colour to others, but you will only notice if you look at them carefully.

Why cant you see stars that are bigger than the sun?

You can see stars that are bigger than the sun. About half the stars you see are bigger. Generally speaking, any orange or red star is. Just to give an example, look at Orion's left shoulder, Betelgeuse. This is one of the larger stars we can see.

Do you see the same stars when you look out at night?

The Earth's axis always changes so you will see some stars one night but they change throughout the year

How do you see stars at night?

just look outsie the window up at the sky.