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what do you mean by looping?

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Q: What do you mean by finite and infinite loop explain?
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What does infinite and finite mean?

Infinite means never ending while finite means it ends.

What does finite or infinite mean in maths?

infinite means never ending whilst finite means it has a end

What does finite or infinite mean?

finite means something will come to an end in a certain time. infinite means it has no end i.e. keeps going

What does finite mean in science?

Finte is the opposite of infinite, finite is a known quanity that has an ending quanity

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A being of infinite intelligence may be considered "God" to some individuals. It is impossible to say what infinite intelligence could mean, or be represented by as a finite brain cannot fathom the infinite.

What does the word finite mean?

The word 'fintite' means that there is a limited amount of something. E.g there is a finite amount of space in one room. Another way you could think of it is that it is the opposite of infinite.

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Assuming its endpoints are not equal, a closed interval of the real number line a has an infinite number of real numbers in it. Closed intervals of other ordered sets can have either a finite or an infinite number of elements. I am not sure I answered your question because I am not exactly sure what you are asking. Could you be more specific? Are you talking about a closed interval of the real number line or closed interval of some other ordered set? By finite do you mean 'containing a finite number of elements' or do you mean 'bounded by a finite number'.

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It might mean that the voltage across a capacitor cannot change instantanteously because that would demand an infinite current. The current in a capacitor is C.dV/dt so with a finite current dV/dt must be finite and therefore the voltage cannot have a discontinuity.

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Finite populations mean a limited size population. Sometimes, a limited population is very large, so it may be treated as an infinite population, for statistical inferences. In statistics, the population size may not be known. The assumption of infinite or finite population is important. If a survey is being conducted in a completely random manner, the same person could be surveyed twice. The chance of this occurring diminishes as the population increases.

How do you break the infinite loop program in turbo c plus plus without break key?

In short, you don't. By definition, an infinite loop is one that has no exit condition. For example: while( 1 ); When execution reaches this line, the program will get no further. It will continually execute this same line of code because the only way for this loop to exit is when the literal constant 1 becomes the literal constant 0 -- which would clearly be impossible. By the same token, the following lines are also infinite loops: do while( 1 ); for(;;); Infinite loops of this kind are completely useless in production code. Apart from the fact they do nothing remotely useful, an infinite loop renders the program completely invalid. And yet we hear the term infinite loop being used in code all the time. The truth is that while we do use the term infinite loop, it is not strictly infinite. What we really mean is that although the loop statement needn't have an exit condition, the body of the loop does! By way of an example, consider the following infinite loop: while( 1 ) { if( !rand() ) break; } Here, the loop statement is clearly infinite, but the body contains the all-important exit condition. In this case, the loop continually produces random numbers in the range 0 to 32767. If the number is zero, then control passes to the break statement at which point the loop ends and execution continues at the statement following the closing brace of the loop. Thus on every loop there's a 1 in 32768 chance the loop will end. There's a remote possibility the loop may never end however it's highly unlikely. Note that in its current form, the random numbers will produce the same sequence over an over and the loop will therefore execute the same number of times every time the program is run. But even if we seed the random numbers to produce a different sequence each time, the loop will exit after just a few seconds at most. The odds of never ever producing a zero are remote in the extreme. So that's the so-called infinite loop -- which is not really infinite after all. But to answer the question, we break out of an infinite loop by providing at least one exit condition within the body of the loop. If the program is to be run within an event-driven environment (such as Windows), we might periodically test the message queue to see if a specific key sequence is pending (such as ESC) and prompt the user to save the current state of the loop so that it can continue at a later date before gracefully exiting the loop. By the same token, we should also check for a program exit message (perhaps the user clicked the close window button, or even chose to shutdown Windows in the middle of the loop) and we must cater for those eventualities too. Ultimately, how you exit an infinite loop will depend entirely upon the purpose of the loop. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. But there must be at least one exit condition that must logically fire at some point in time. If not, the loop is truly infinite and will completely invalidate your program.

What is the highest number in words besides infinity?

I suppose you mean, the biggest finite number. There is none; you can always add one more, to get an even bigger number. Nor is there a biggest infinite number, for that matter. If you raise two to an infinite power, you get a bigger infinity.

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