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This is the exact equivalent of the Tamil Proverb "Naamondru ninaikka deivam ondru ninaikkum".

Man may propose whatever and he is free to take it up for execution. This is what the the phrase "man proposes" means.

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1mo ago

This phrase means that while people may make plans and have intentions for the future, ultimately it is up to a higher power or fate to determine the outcome. It highlights the idea that despite our efforts and intentions, external forces beyond our control can influence or alter the outcome of events.

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your faith lies in god's hands

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Q: What do you mean by man proposes and god disposes?
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A man proposes God disposes?

Man Proposes, God Disposes A reminder to stay humble.

Man proposes and God disposes?

That means that men try but God decides and carries out. We have free-will and the tools to act, but God is the arbiter of what succeeds and what does not.

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The familiar phrase "Man proposes, God disposes" is an example of antithesis, as is John Dryden's description in "The Hind and the Panther" : "Too black for heaven, and yet too white for hell." ...

Where in the bible do you find the phrase Man proposes but God disposes?

Nowhere. This sounds more like what you might read off of one of those rented marquee signs on the lawn outside of a local church building.

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Man proposes God disposes. Maybe God has some better and great plans for you. Ummm honey God and Christianity is all nonsense. Sorry to offend but none of the Religious stuff is true. Give it up. Have a nice day sugar <3

Can you give me examples of antithesis sentence?

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times" - Charles Dickens, "A Tale of Two Cities". "To err is human, to forgive divine" - Alexander Pope. "Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing" - Goethe. "Man proposes, God disposes" - Thomas a Kempis.

What does the steps of a good man are ordered by God mean?

God is manifested in a good man.

If a woman proposes to a man does the woman or the man wear the engagement ring?

Whether the woman purposes to the man or he proposes to her it is the man that gets the engagement ring and not the woman. If he accepts your offer then you can buy a wedding band for him once a date is set for the wedding.

What does grabriel mean?

In Hebrew: strong man of God, hero of God, God is my might.

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God wants you to get married.

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God has no religion because religion is man made.

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settlement pattern in which man disposes himself over the landscape.