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in puberty qualitative changes refer to the process of sexual maturity. the sperms as well as the eggs become fertile.

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Q: What do you mean by qualitative change?
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What is qualitative change in child development?

Qualitative change in child development refers to a significant and fundamental shift in how a child perceives, thinks, or behaves. It involves a restructuring or reorganization of cognitive structures or abilities, leading to a new way of understanding the world. These changes are often seen as developmental milestones that mark a child's progress towards higher levels of functioning.

What is qualitative changes?

The phrase qualitative change refers to the change of a sound. It can also refer to what the basic nature of a sound is.

What is the difference between Qualitative and Quantitative change?

A qualitative change is a transformation of one thing to a different kind of thing. Making flour out of grain is a qualitative change. A quantitative change is a change in the amount of something. Changing 5 pounds of grain to 2 pounds of grain is quantitative.

Development or qualitative changes in human growth?

A Qualitative change is a change in characteristics, attributes, traits, etc. For example if someone is generally happy, and all of a sudden they're mad all the time that's a qualitative change. Also, a caterpillar turns into a butterfly. The change has to be vastly different than the way before.

How do you use the word qualitative in a sentence?

Bob, what does qualitative mean? (Used it right there :))

Is the change in a plant's temperature a qualitative data?

No it's quantitative because it has to do with numbers and is an exact calculation. Qualitative would be, for example, change in color

Can you find the mean of qualitative data?


What does a quantitative observation mean?

This means an observation where you take a numerical measurement, as opposed to a qualitative one where you notice something else, like a color change.

What does quantataive and qualitative mean?

quantitative property is what can be measured and described in numbers qualitative property is what can be observed and described in words. :P

What are two types of qualitative observations in chemistry?

Color Change and Smell

Which is a quantitative question?

Qualitative is like how you desribe what can change the outcome of an expiremtent.

If the candy was sour is it qualitative or a quantative?
