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Some medical assistants are trained on the job, but many complete 1-year or 2-year programs.

Education and training. Postsecondary medical assisting programs are offered in vocational-technical high schools, postsecondary vocational schools, and community and junior colleges. Programs usually last either 1 year and result in a certificate or diploma, or 2 years and result in an associate degree. Courses cover anatomy, physiology, and medical terminology, as well as typing, transcription, recordkeeping, accounting, and insurance processing. Students learn laboratory techniques, clinical and diagnostic procedures, pharmaceutical principles, the administration of medications, and first aid. They study office practices, patient relations, medical law, and ethics. There are various organizations that accredit medical assisting programs. Accredited programs often include an internship that provides practical experience in physicians' offices, hospitals, or other health care facilities.

Formal training in medical assisting, while generally preferred, is not always required. Some medical assistants are trained on the job, although this practice is less common than in the past. Applicants usually need a high school diploma or the equivalent. Recommended high school courses include mathematics, health, Biology, typing, bookkeeping, computers, and office skills. Volunteer experience in the health care field also is helpful. Medical assistants who are trained on the job usually spend their first few months attending training sessions and working closely with more experienced workers.

Some States allow medical assistants to perform more advanced procedures, such as giving injections, after passing a test or taking a course.

Certification and other qualifications. Employers prefer to hire experienced workers or those who are certified. Although not required, certification indicates that a medical assistant meets certain standards of competence. There are various associations-some listed in the sources of information below-that award certification credentials to medical assistants, and the certification process varies. It also is possible to become certified in a specialty, such as podiatry, optometry, or ophthalmology.

Medical assistants deal with the public; therefore, they must be neat and well groomed and have a courteous, pleasant manner and they must be able to put patients at ease and explain physicians' instructions. They must respect the confidential nature of medical information. Clinical duties require a reasonable level of manual dexterity and visual acuity.

Advancement. Medical assistants may advance to other occupations through experience or additional training. For example, some may go on to teach medical assisting, and others pursue additional education to become nurses or other health care workers. Administrative medical assistants may advance to office manager, or qualify for a variety of administrative support occupations.

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Getting your Medical Assistant degree one needs the following qualification courses and credentials. They are as followed, Medical Law and Bioethics, Medical Terminology, Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2, Medical Office Management, Medical Coding and Insurance, Professionalism in Health Care, Clinical Competencies 1 and 2, Medical Assisting Externship and Evaluation according to Kaplan College. Other courses and credits may also be required depending on the field of Medical Assisting one plans to study.

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Q: What do you need to be a medical assistant in the United States?
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Yes, you will need CPR to become a medical assistant.

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You'll need to have graduated from at least a certified program to become a medical assistant in almost all states. Check with area vocational schools or community colleges to see what's available.

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When you need medical assistant certification the best place to look would be an online medical university. They will list the medical assistant certification programs along with prices and other course details.

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You can get a medical assistant certification for working in a hospital by first meeting the qualifications to become a medical assistant. You need attend a school and take a state test also.

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When you need to find out about certified medical assistant training the best place to look would be an online medical university. They will list the certified medical assistant training programs with full details of their requirements.

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What do you need to become a medical assistant as soon as possible?

A nationwide certified medical assistant has the training, skills and certification to work across the United States. These individuals assist doctors with more complicated procedures than nurses do. These individuals work directly with patients, preparing them for their appointment with the doctor. In some cases they even do work before the doctor arrives such as drawing blood, taking blood pressure and getting background information from the patient. Becoming a certified medical assistant involves finishing school and taking the exam.