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In order to become a lifeguard you must go through a 2 week class (depending on your instructor can be shorter). In this class they will teach you the fundamentals to life guarding and other rescue skills including such below. There are also several swimming portions throughout the class. There are also pre-requirements in order to continue in the class before the second day. Some which can be swimming 500 yards which is about 20 laps (25 yards each way) lifting a brick from summered water and bringing it back, Also treading water for at least 3 minutes. There can also be several other requirements but this does depend on the facility that you take it at and also who the instructor is.

Surveillance skills to help you recognize and prevent injuries

Rescue skills - in the water and on land

First aid training and professional rescuer CPR - to help you prepare for any emergency

Professional lifeguard responsibilities like interacting with the public and addressing uncooperative patrons.

please also refer to the Related Link below for more information


The above explanation is a very good answer, except the length of a lifeguard class can vary greatly. The class I took was three months long, and lasted for an hour each day. Two- week courses usually take up about 4 hours of each day. Any class that takes less than two weeks is either going to be incredibly labor- intensive or poor. Most life-guarding classes straight through the American Red Cross do last about 2 weeks, but sometimes classes are set up through various organizations to develop a specialized schedule. The class I took was through my high school and the American Red Cross. Thus, class was held every day from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM, right before school started each day. As far as finding a class is concerned, you should check first with your local YMCA or municipal fitness center. If you can't find any programs at any of those locations, contact your local American Red Cross chapter.


I did an NPLQ course that was run over 5 days 8-4, cost £175 and was one the most fun and probably EASIEST week of my life

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Q: What do you need to become a lifeguard?
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The minumum age to take the lifeguard class and become a lifeguard in general is 15 years old.

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No you do not. You need to get certified in CPR/AED for the professional rescuer/lifeguard as well as First aid for the professional rescuer/lifeguard. Every job requires different requirements and to get the best answer you would need to contact the place you intend to work at. I am still in high school and I am working as a lifeguard.

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You have to be a member, then buy the lifeguard uniform, wear it and dance.(In the water, really!)

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13 feet to be a lifeguard have to be able to swim down to 13 feet

How can I get around being a lifeguard and never taking a CPR class?

How Do I Become a Pool Lifeguard? Undoubtedly, CPR training is essential to become a pool lifeguard. Even if a lifeguard never needs to use it, should a drowning occur, resuscitation becomes the best chance for survival. People can take CPR training at a number of places. ... first aid classes because these offer lifeguards other ways to help around a pool. How to Become a Lifeguard - wikiHow

Can a twelve year old be a Lifeguard?

in most places you have to be at least 14 and have proper traing, gone through swimming lessons, and taken the lifegaurd test.

What qualifications do you need to have to be a lifeguard in the UK?

in England you will need an NPLQ (national pool lifeguard qualification)- to work at a pool of all types. and to work at a beach a NBLQ (national beach lifeguard qualification). this is for England, and is different or the rest of the UK.

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Bronze medallion is the first step to become a certified lifeguard. National Lifeguard Service is the last step and requirement to becoming a certified lifeguard. The prerequisite needed for NLS are Bronze Cross and standard first aid.

How old do you have to be to be a lifeguard at the YMCA?

you need to be at least 15 that's when you can get certified to be a lifeguard. so as long as you have your certification you are good to start working

What is the possessive form of lifeguard?

The possessive form for the noun lifeguard is lifeguard's.

If you become a lifeguard do you get paid?

Junior Lifeguards are usually paid with Community Service hours and Credits for High School needed to graduate because they are too young to legally get paid.