

What do you need to make a bouncy egg?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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Q: What do you need to make a bouncy egg?
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Can you make an bouncy ball out of an egg?

yes. you need an egg, a cup, and enough vinegar to cover the egg in the glass. Put egg and vinegar in the glass for 2 days. when the 2 days are up remove egg from glass and wash off excess shell. THERE YOU HAVE IT...A BOUNCY EGG!

Do you leave the shell on the egg before you put vinegar on it to make it a bouncy egg?

Yes. The vinegar helps dissolve the shell surface, giving way to the membrane underneath that makes the egg "bouncy."

How do you make a bouncy egg into a normal egg?

put it in the microwave for 35 secs (1000 watt).

What is the hypothesis of the bouncy egg?

If The egg soaks in White Vinegar then the White vinegare will make the egg bounce the highest.

What is the concluision to making a bouncy egg?

to make an egg bounce just keep the egg in a bowl of vinegar for two days

How does a bouncy egg?

to make a bouncy egg..... leave it in a bowl or a cup of vinegar for more than 2 Day's vinegar should be above the egg.. don't move the cup again and again.. notice After some days it Will become bouncy! actually the acetic acid in the vinegar dissolves the shell of the egg.. please do try at home!

What is the bibliography for bouncy egg?

Heinz, Ruth. "The Bouncy Egg Experiment." Kids Science Activity Blog, Accessed 10 June 2021. "Bouncy Egg Experiment." Science Buddies, Accessed 10 June 2021.

How much salt does an egg need to make it bounce?

pour two 30ml cups salt in water for mix it stir well. place the egg in that salt water and leave it for 2to3 days now your bouncy egg is ready!

How long does a bouncy egg last?

a bouncy egg is actually an egg without its shell thus it may last for two to three weeks .... but the problem is that it will smell of the acid which u pour on it

How do you make a bouncy egg?

Put an hard boiled egg into a container and pour vinegar into the container. Soak it for two days and it is ready.

What is the conclusion of bouncy egg?

The conclusion for many concerning the bouncy egg experiment is that vinegar does cause the egg to bounce. After soaking a raw egg in its shell in vinegar for a few days, the shell dissolves leaving just the rubbery membrane that can be bounced.

Can you use balsamic glaze instead of white vinegar to make a bouncy egg?

The answer is i don't know you tell me what the answer is come on spit it out.