

Best Answer

Brown clay,blue clay,green,clay,white clay,and black clay.

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Q: What do you need to make a valley landform out of clay?
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Is ceramic flammable?

It depends what kind of clay you get. Some clay can be put in the oven and baked and other kinds can't. If you need an inflammable clay, go to Michael's or another craft supply store and ask them for clay you can cook. Just make sure you don't eat it! :)

What kind of equipment would someone need to make some metal letters?

The type of equipment that someone would need to make some metal letters would include beech wood, a trough level with fine sandy clay, wooden cut letters and molten bronze. These items would then be used in the typesetting machine needed to make the letters.

What kind of soil do you need to plant to grow a tulip?

Tulips need soil that drains well - you don't want them soaking in water and turning to mush. Dig down a foot or more to make sure they won't be trapped in any clay soil which will retain water and destroy the bulbs. If there is a lot of clay in the soil, remove it from the enlarged planting hole and replace it with store-bought top soil (it's inexpensive).

How do you make minie volcanoe?

To make a Lego volcano you need to go to To build a lego volcano you need to go to YouTube search in how to make a Lego mini volcano and there should me a dude saying stuff in a weird voice. I hope this helps

How do you separate the mixture of sugar n clay?

You could place the sugar-clay mixture in a wire-mesh sieve, and rinse the mixture with water to dissolve the sugar and remove it from the clay. You would need to do this over a container that would collect the sugar water. Once the sugar is completely dissolved, you could evaporate the water from the sugar water, leaving the sugar behind. The clay would be left behind in the sieve.

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How to make a model of a Jaguar out of clay?

You need to be a good with clay to make a model of Jaguar out of clay.

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How many clay blocks do you need to make to make a stack of brick Minecraft?

4 clay blocks i think

How do you start to make a model of Mt Rushmore?

Make it out of clay. sculpt it You will need 20 pounds of clay for the st.marys prade!!!

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what is the landform for Grenada? (hurry i need it for world geo)

What tools are needed to make a topographic map profile of a landform?

To make a topo you need a computer with a very detailed program to do layers.

How do you make model volcano and what things do you need to make it?

Clay or play doh, water bottle and form the clay around the water bottle in to a triangle

How do you make a clay horse in minecraft?

Need Soul sand and clay blocks. Put the Soul sand on top the clay blocks

How do you make the Jefferson Memorial out of modeling clay?

There are many models, instructions, and examples of the Jefferson Memorial online. To make a replica out of modeling clay you will need to read the instructions on the clay to determine the best building method.

How to make a human teeth model from clay?

okay i am in need of a answer of how to make teeth out of clay sharp enough to cut trough a grape... its for a class grade... its suppose to be a wedge

How much clay do you need to make 7 brick blocks?

twenty eight

In rune scape how do you make sacred clay things?

You need members and you need to play the minigame Stealing Creation. They sacred clay items give double experience in the skill chosen. ^^