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Who told you that a calf doesn't need it's mother? Every calf needs a cow to properly take care of it, no matter if it's their own or a surrogate cow-mom. Ideally you should have a cow already there to adopt that calf. But, if that's not obtainable, you need shelter, milk replacer, feed, water, and a good understanding of how to raise a bum/orphan calf so that it doesn't get sick and die on you.

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Q: What do you need to own a calf that does not need its mother?
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What is a calf whose mother has left it called?

It is still a calf if it has a mother or no mother. Maybe you could call it an abandoned calf.

How do mother cats feed their young?

In nature the calf would suckle the cow (drinking its milk) until it could eat grass. In industrial farming the calf will quickly be switched to formula and the milk collected and sold to us humans instead.

What to do if mother cow steps on baby calf?

This happens occasionally, unfortunately. Keep a very close eye on the calf and see if it has any damage like broken bones or deep bruises. Sometimes, although the mother's hoof made contact with the calf, she can pull her weight back and not hurt the calf. If there is trauma, you will need to keep the calf and mother alone until the vet can get there to see what can be done for the calf. If the injuries are severe, the best option may be to put the calf down.

What do you call the calf's mother?

Most often a calf's mother is referred to as the dam of the calf, or more commonly, a cow. If it's a heifer that has had a calf for the first time, some folks like to call her a first-calf heifer.

What is the origin of the word Poddy as in Poddy calf?

A poddy calf is a not calf which eats the pod of peas. A poddy calf is an orphaned calf; one who has lost his or her mother.

What is a baby cow and a mother cow called?

The baby is called a calf and mother is a cow. Together they are called a cow-calf pair, or "mom and baby."

Does wale calf suck milk?

Yes, if it has a mother and its mother has udders and the udder has milk and the calf is liking it.

What are the characteristics that calf inherited from its mother?

This question cannot be answered without knowing the characteristics of the mother, father, and calf.

What is a deacon calf?

A deacon calf is a new born calf that is taken from its mother and bottle fed a milk substitute.

What is the mother of a kudu calf called?

Mother, dam or cow.

What can baby cows with no mother eat?

They have to be bottle fed milk replacer that is specially made for them. Milk replacer usually comes in a powder formula which is mixed with water and given to the calf accordingly. However, milk replacer doesn't need to be given to the orphaned calf if the owner has a cow that can be used as a surrogate mother for the calf.

How do you write a sentence with the word Calf?

I watched the calf run around the pasture with its mother. I think I pulled a muscle in my calf.