

What do you need to research if you want a fish tank?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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TheType of fish that you put in the tank and what they need to survive

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Q: What do you need to research if you want a fish tank?
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Do betta fish want other fish with them when they are alone?

You can do research to see which kind of fish work well with bettas, but they don't really get lonely. Whatever you do DO NOT put another beta in the tank! They will fight until one dies- you don't want that, right?

What do you look for when buying a pet fish?

You want to look for a very active fish that does not look like it is not fed well or any disease on it. AA few good places to get fish are petsmart & petco. Do not buy fish at walmart or any convienant store as they are more prone to disease than with other stores who have people that actually know about fish. You do not want to put betas together as they will fight. You also need to know whether you want a freshwater, Saltwater, Or warmwater aquarium. You also need to research on what fish you can put together and what fish you can not. You need to know what size of tank you need to get. Like for instance for smaller fish like glowfish and regular goldfish about 1-5 gallon tanks. For bigger fish like sharks and Oscars etc. You need a 20-50 gallon. You pretty much just need to do research. hope this helps-Ethan Professional Care for Fish for five years. The best way to work out what size tank you need is to remember the basic rule of "1 inch of fish needs at least 1 gallon of water".

What do you do when your fish just died?

It is okay to feel sad. Scoop your fish out of the tank and flush the fish down the toilet. You can have a "service" first to say goodbye, or just flush and move on. If your tank holds other fish, it would be wise to clean out the tank. Remember, some fish get sick and die more easily than other fish. You might want to do some research before buying another one.

In fish tanks do star fish stick to the tank?

Yes, if they want to.

How big should a fish tank be?

a fish tank size would depend on the size or how many fish you want to put in or if its tropical the tank would have to be measured and remember to get the water tested you don't want to kill the fishs

10 Gallon Fish Tanks ?

form_title= 10 Gallon Fish Tanks form_header= Purchase a fish tank for your home. What type of fish do you want to own?*= _ [50] What color do you want the base?*= _ [50] Do you need to purchase accessories?*= () Yes () No

Is it ok to keep frog eggs and fish in the same tank?

i have fresh water gold fish and a frogs and i want to know if its ok to have there eggs in the same tank?

Why are your fish near the top of the tank?

They want feeding.

How do you take care of baby fish?

You need to put it in a small tank or a big tank if you want to add more fish. put a thermomiter for the temprature. give it food at the right time. then you have a very happy fish! Make shure it has the right thing at the right time.

37 gallon fish tank what can you put in it?

With a 37 gallon tank, you could have 2 fancy goldfish, or, if you stock it with tropical fish, you could have more species and varieties such as a mix of livebearing fish (Molly & Guppy for example), or neon tetras, rasboras, just to name a few.

What other fishes can you put together with fighting fish?

yes. but you might want to do some research on what fish can go in the same tank with fighter fish (Bettas). I have 10 other fish with my betta and so far he has only killed 1 platy over the holidays when my nan was looking after the fish. :)

Why would a fish aquarium owner want to purchase a PH probe for their tank?

It is important for a fish aquarium owner to purchase a ph probe for their tank. It helps measure the pH levels in the water. Certain types of fish will only survive in water with a certain pH level and one would need to know what their tank pH level is for their fish to survive.