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Q: What do you now call inherited factors?
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Related questions

What is the difference between inherited and enviromental factors?

An inherited factor is passed on through the genes of the parents. An environmental factor has to do with influences in the environment. Inherited factors cannot be changed, while environmental factors usually can be.

What are the inherited factores that metabolic rates?

inherited factors cause obesity

What are Mendel's factors?

Mendel's "factors" are now known as genes.

What factors that made you are now?

In a broad sense, the 2 factors that made you what you are include: 1) "Nature:" your genetically inherited traits 2) "Nurture:" you environment and the breadth of your experiences

Is it inherited or obtained from environmental factors fetal alcohol syndrome?

Yes it is often inherited.

What factors determines the number of limbs an animal has at birth?

inherited factors

What factors are responsible for inherited traits in an organism?

The Genes.

What inherited characteristics can be affected by environmental factors?


Is AML hereditary?

Most article say that genetic factors effect AML risk, and they don't say inherited. Genetic factors may be your own or not be inherited at all.

What are the 6 environmental factors that can affect inherited traits?


Is getting smarter evolution?

It could be, if it is caused by genetically inherited factors.

Is hart disease inherited or a environmental factors?

Both play their part.