

What do you press for Pokemon master balls?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Press the Down Pad to have a Pokemon lay your mom for a master ball

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Q: What do you press for Pokemon master balls?
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How do you get 999 master balls in cheats for Pokemon pearl?

get action replay then press L+R then look in the poke balls or items section and it should say you have 999 master balls

How do you use the Pokemon modifier code?

When your game turns on, press L + R. After that, in your item bag, you should have 493 master balls. That's the full pokedex number, and so if you want a specific Pokemon, you have to know the Pokemon's number. For example, if you wanted pikachu, which is number 25, you throw away the amount of master balls to make it 25 master balls. So to get Pikachu, subtract 468 master balls, and you should have 25 master balls left. After you did that, go to anywhere a Pokemon roams and press L while walking around, and your Pokemon that you wanted should come up.

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you get 649 master balls and 100 ultra balls ultra balls = level master balls = national dex number press l+r to reset the modifier to easily get over large numbers toss masterballs

How do you activate Pokemon modifier cheat?

ACTUALLY, what you do is, Press l and r at the same time, then you will have 493 master balls. After you do that, discard the amount of master balls it takes, leaving the number of the Pokemon you want's number in the National Dex.

How do you get 493 master balls in pokemon pearl?

It can be got through the action replay code of Pokemon Modifier. But if you want Master balls to catch pokemon, add this code: 94000130 fcff0000 b21c4d28 00000000 b0000004 00000000 00000f4c 03e70001 d2000000 00000000 Press L + R to activate.This will give you 999 master balls.

How do you duplacate master balls in pokemon crystal?

You cannot duplicate Master Balls in any Pokemon game.

What is the infinite master balls cheat on Pokemon diamond?

Master balls x999. Press L and R 94000130 fcff0000 b21c4d28 00000000 b0000004 00000000 00000f4c 03e70001 d2000000 00000000

Where do you get all of the Pokemon on diamond?

you have to have an AR/action replay. but for the people that do out on 999 master balls then go on your game and open the menue (which you press x)then press L and R then go to you master balls you should hav like 394 or some thing then go to your poke dex and look at the Pokemon you want the deposite enough master balls to match its number then walk in grass then ta da you should find the Pokemon you wanted

How do you buy master balls?

From what I know, You can't BUY master balls in Pokemon.

How do you get the Pokemon modifier to work in Pokemon Diamond?

it depends which one you are using if you are using the one with the master balls throw away the number of master balls you need.say you want a mew you throw away 342 master balls so you will have 151 and mew is number 151 in the national pokedex you can press l+r to refil them

If you have the Pokemon modifier but it only gives you arceus on Pokemon Diamond?

Get rid of some of the master balls! the number of master balls you have is the number of the pokemon

How do you get 2 master balls in pokemon?

Getting master balls without cheating in Pokemon DP is very hard. The only ways are: to win the lottery in Jubilife City, or receive a Pokemon that has a master ball from trading. I have 2 master balls in my game. I traded with a person who had a Pokemon with a master ball.