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You should take your Goat to see an animal doctor (to the Veterinarian), that is your best course of action.

However, if you can't, then the maggots are not necessarily a bad thing, they eat infection and can clean a would if it is loosely covered (so no more dirt can get in).

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Q: What do you put on a goat open wound on his neck to get rid of maggots?
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How does a maggot burrow in a human?

If the person has an open wound or sore, then a fly can lay it's eggs in the open wound. A fly's eggs hatch out as maggots, then develop into flies. This is one of the many reasons to always keep open wounds and sores clean, disinfected, and covered with a bandage.

What is the meaning of maggot?

Larvae of a fly are called maggots. When a house pet gets a wound it can be infested with maggots if not treated in time. Flies get attracted to such open wounds and lay eggs in it which eventually produce maggots.

How do you get rid of maggots living in a wound?

Maggots within a wound are typically not a major danger (and in fact sometimes a good thing, as they seem to confine themselves to consuming only necrotic tissue). This gives you time to assess the situation and choose an effective, safe approach. Ideally, flushing maggots from the wound with sterile saline works very well. Sterile saline is pretty harmless stuff and is used to remove pretty much any foreign material from open wounds. Alternately, in the case of a very small number of individuals, you can also remove maggots from a wound with tweezers. You most definitely don't want to use toxins to kill them. First, as you're dealing with an open wound, the toxins you use will find easy access to the patient's system. Secondly, maggots can decompose when dead, thus introducing a bacterial threat. Bear in mind that maggots are a larval stage, and as such will not reproduce within a wound. Note also that maggots are sometimes used clinically, especially in cases where super-sensitive debridement of necrotic tissued, especially from burns, is desirable. In this case, the maggots in question are sterilzed (both in the antiseptic and reproductive sense). Old school paramedics will also tell you that discovering maggots in the bandaged wounds of transients and people that cannot perform good wound care, is a good sign, usually meaning that the wound will be clean and uninfected.

How long does it take for a maggot infestation to take place in a wound?

A maggot infestation can occur in a wound within hours to a few days, depending on the size and depth of the wound, as well as environmental conditions such as warmth and moisture. Maggots are attracted to decaying tissue and can quickly colonize open wounds if proper wound care is not maintained.

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What do you do if maggots are inside your dogs cut?

Maggots actually only eat dead flesh. They are cleaning creatures. If maggots are present, that means that the wound not only contains dead tissue, but it has been open long enough for a fly to lay eggs in it and have them hatch. The maggots themselves are not harmful, but they are a sign of more serious things going on. Your dog needs medical attention. Contact your vet right away.

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If you are not sure if a chest wound has penetrated the chest wall completely, treat the wound as though it were an open chest wound.

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swelling of the wound,pus in the wound ,pain,redness

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