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I find that Sudacrem works best :) it's good to use as a moisturiser aswell (:

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Q: What do you put on your dry lip piercing?
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Can you put lip butter on a lip piercing?

You can wear it but don't put it over the piercing. It's too thick so it'll smother the piercing and delay healing.

Can you put lip gloss on a lip piercing?

yes, it doesn't effect it at all :) unless you put the lip gloss on the actual piercing hole, then that'd just be silly

What can you use to dry out a lip piercing?

Why would you want to dry it out? It'll just get itchy and uncomfortable.

How do you make a fake lip piercing look real?

you put a little sticker thing on your lip and put some detail in it

What to put to help heal your lip piercing fast?

Salt water or saline solution on the outside of the lip around the piercing. Alcohol-free mouthwash on the inside of the mouth around the piercing

Is it normal for dry lip piercing?

Yes it is, it's a sign that the piercing is healing. yeah, its like a scab before a cut heals.

What is it called if you have one lip piercing on the left side?

For your upper lip, Left is a monroe piercing. The bottom lip could just be a lip piercing, or labret piercing.

What do you put on to hide a lip piercing?

take it out or just put it in backward in stick it through

How do you put in a lip piercing?

Go see a professional body piercer.

What not to use while your lip piercing is healing?

-Mouthwash with alcohol -peroxide -alcohol -Don't put chapstick/lip balm around the actual piercing. You can use it just not on it.

What is the normal gauge of a lip piercing?

14g is normal for a male lip piercing, 16g is normal for a female lip piercing.

How do you hid a new lip piercing?

take it off your lip and put it on your ear, unless if it's too small.