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small containers of water, mosquitoes breed in them.

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The Life Cycle Of a Mosquito

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Q: What do you see around you encourage the breeding of mosquitoes?
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What do you see around you that encourage the breeding of mosquitoes?

water,stagnant water and food that is not covered.

What do you see around you that encourages mosquitoes to breed?

food that is not covered

What eats the cow?

people and mosquitoes .....mosquitoes.....that would certainly be a sight to see in a lifetime.

Do mosquitoes see in infrared?

Yes they do.

Do mosquitoes travel alone or in groups?

Mosquitoes typically travel in groups and not alone. When you see one mosquito, chances are you will see several more in the same area.

What does it mean when you see a lot of mosquitoes?

You have to many fountains

What color attracts mosquitoes more light or dark colors?

ANSWER: Mosquitoes are attracted to the color blue because it is the brightest color they can see so if they cant smell you they can see you. So mosquitoes are attracted to lighter colors more.

What does a mosquito's home look like?

It has long legs, thin body, pair of long antennae and two compaud eyes.

How do you breed red cap oranda fish?

To breed red cap oranda fish, create a breeding tank with good water quality and plenty of hiding spots. Pair a male and a female, and provide a spawning medium like plants or a spawning mop. Maintain the water temperature around 75-80°F and feed them a varied diet to encourage breeding.

How do mosquito see at night?

Mosquitoes use specialized light-sensitive cells in their eyes called ommatidia to see at night. These cells detect even small amounts of light, allowing mosquitoes to navigate and find blood meals in dark conditions. Additionally, they are attracted to carbon dioxide and body heat, which helps them locate potential hosts in the dark.

What if your girlfriend has disease?

You should encourage her to see a doctor.

How do you get rid of gnats and mosquitoes flying around an enclosed jacuzzi?

If you have plants around your jacuzzi then check the soil. Sometimes if the earth is moist it's a good breeding ground for both insects. If you find you see nothing, take a plant sprayer (with water) and give each plant a shot and if there are mosquitoes or gnats in the soil or on the plants they'll fly off and you'll know for sure the little rotters are there. Plants that have fruit on them (edible or not) will attract both insects as well as tropical plants or other plants that have a sweet smell to them. If this is so, then remove them and put them outside for decoration and away from the jacuzzi. You can also get "bug zappers" (at least two) to get rid of them. The zapping sounds when they kill the insects can be annoying, but it's better than having them fly around. I would also phone a pool company and ask them if there is anything you can do to the water to keep these insects away. Mosquitoes and gnats love humidity so you have the perfect set-up for them. Good luck Marcy